65 Syphilis Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Syphilis

✍️ Syphilis Essay Topics for College

  1. “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment – The Deadly Deception”: Unethical Scientific Experiment
    “Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment – The Deadly Deception” reviews an unethical scientific experiment on humans that was conducted by White physicians on African-Americans.
  2. The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment
    When the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment was begun, over 75 years ago, no such principles were officially in place.
  3. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study
    The discussion has identified and described the Tuskegee Syphilis Study as one of the most notorious and unethical experimentations ever completed by mankind.
  4. The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Circumstances and Repercussions
    The Tuskegee Syphilis study lasted for forty years and affected hundreds of African Americans’ lives. The experiment focused on observing the crippling effect of the disease.
  5. Studies in Guatemala and Tuskegee: Syphilis
    The article discusses inhuman research into syphilis in Tuskegee, showing how important it is now to talk about them, instead of hushing them up.
  6. Syphilis: Prevalence, Symptoms, and Treatment Insights
    This paper discusses syphilis prevalence, incidence, mechanism of action, causes, and symptoms, to explore the main aspects of treatment, education, and prevention.
  7. Healthy People 2020: Improving Florida’s Health
    As for Florida, it has always been one of the worst states if to consider epidemiological indicators. At the moment, the epidemiological situation is complex.
  8. Addressing Gonorrhea, Syphilis, and AIDS in the Context of Healthy People 2020 Goals and Strategies
    The paper analyzes gonorrhea, syphilis, and AIDS. The main national strategies were defined according to the Healthy People 2020 initiative.
  9. Epidemiology Assessment of Miami-Dade County: HIV/AIDS, Influenza, and Syphilis
    The chosen community for the epidemiology assessment is Miami-Dade County, Miami. The selected diseases for the analysis are HIV/AIDS, influenza, and syphilis.
  10. Hepatitis A, Syphilis, AIDS in Miami-Dade: Healthy People 2020
    This report analyses the Miami-Dade County with the zip code 33125 for communicable diseases of Hepatitis A, Syphilis, and AIDS, which affect its population.
  11. Ethical Controversies of the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: A Historical Perspective
    Tuskegee case set the background for the reconsideration of healthcare ethics, which means that the ethical value of the given case deserves reconsideration.

🎓 Most Interesting Syphilis Research Titles

  1. Contributions of Premarital and Prenatal Blood Testing in Syphilis Control
  2. Neurological Manifestations of Syphilis-HIV Coinfection
  3. Epidemiological Characteristics and Risk Factors of Syphilis Among Blood Donors
  4. The Mydriatic Red Eye as the Initial Presentation of Syphilis
  5. Moral Attitudes Toward Syphilis and Its Prevention in the Renaissance
  6. Racism and Research: The Case of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
  7. Factors Associated With Signs of Congenital Syphilis in Newborns
  8. The Resurgence of Syphilis in High-Income Countries in the 2000s: A Focus on Europe
  9. The Rise of Congenital Syphilis as a Public Health Emergency
  10. Epidemiological and Clinical Features of Syphilis in the 21st Century
  11. Asymptomatic Latent Syphilis in Geriatric Patients in Association With Stoke
  12. Exploring the New Pathways in Syphilis Vaccine Development
  13. Evaluation of Serological Tests for the Diagnosis of Syphilis
  14. The Role of Pediatric Pharmacists in the Prevention and Treatment of Congenital Syphilis
  15. Syphilis Infection and Increased Odds of Cardiovascular Morbidity
  16. Advantages and Limitations of Current Diagnostic Laboratory Approaches to Syphilis
  17. Development and Evaluation of an Application for Syphilis Control
  18. Maternal Syphilis: Pathophysiology and Treatment
  19. Accelerating Worldwide Syphilis Screening Through Rapid Testing
  20. Current Controversies in the Management of Adult Syphilis
  21. Resurgence of Syphilis in the US: An Assessment of Contributing Factors
  22. Cutaneous Manifestations of Syphilis: Recognition and Management
  23. PCR Detection for Syphilis Diagnosis: Status and Prospects
  24. Recent Trends in the Serologic Diagnosis of Syphilis

đź’ˇ Simple Syphilis Essay Ideas

  1. Doxycycline Compared With Benzathine Penicillin for Early Syphilis Treatment
  2. Resolving the Common Clinical Dilemmas of Syphilis
  3. Examining Uncommon Presentations of Syphilis in Adults
  4. Syphilis: Using Modern Approaches to Understand an Old Disease
  5. Risk Factors for Treatment Non-Completion Among Patients With Syphilis
  6. Effect of HIV Infection on the Course of Syphilis
  7. Unmasking Psoriasiform Syphilis as Secondary Reinfection
  8. Epidemiological Study on Seroprevalence of Syphilis in Patients With Mental Diseases
  9. 2020 European Guideline on the Management of Syphilis
  10. Syphilis in Hematopathology Practice: A Diagnostic Challenge
  11. Alternative Treatments for Syphilis During Pregnancy
  12. Safety of Benzathine Penicillin for Preventing Congenital Syphilis
  13. The Role of Syphilis Self-Testing as an Additional Syphilis Testing Approach
  14. Syphilis in Drug Users in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
  15. An Overview of Public Health Interventions to Control Syphilis
  16. Syphilis Vaccine Development: Requirements, Challenges, and Opportunities
  17. Antibiotic Treatment for Newborns With Congenital Syphilis
  18. The Utility of Biomarkers in the Clinical Management of Syphilis
  19. Factors Associated With Inadequate Treatment of Syphilis During Pregnancy
  20. Syphilitic Gastritis as a Rare Presentation of Secondary Syphilis
  21. China’s Syphilis Epidemic: Epidemiology, Proximate Determinants of Spread, and Control Responses
  22. Syphilis in Dermatology: Recognition and Management
  23. The Origin of Syphilis: Clinical and Epidemiologic Considerations on the Columbian Theory

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StudyCorgi. "65 Syphilis Essay Topics." September 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/syphilis-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2024. "65 Syphilis Essay Topics." September 9, 2024. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/syphilis-essay-topics/.

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