72 Totalitarianism Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Totalitarianism

đź’ˇ Simple Totalitarianism Essay Titles

  1. Authoritarian & Totalitarian Autocracy in Examples
    This paper identifies and explains which are the differences between an authoritarian autocracy and a totalitarian autocracy and provides examples of both.
  2. Italy: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government
    Out of the examples of totalitarian societies, it is possible to distinguish Fascist Italy as one of the first major political influences both locally and globally.
  3. North Korea: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government
    At present, only a limited number of countries can be described as totalitarian. North Korea, for example, can be brought up as an example of closed states with totalitarian features.
  4. Romania: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government
    Communist Romania, faced with economic, demographic, and social issues, could not use an idea of socialism that they saw as flawed as a source of hope.
  5. Ideal Citizen in North Korea’s Totalitarian Government
    North Korea is a prime example of a modern-day authoritarian rule and totalitarian government of a dynasty of Supreme leaders.
  6. Ideal Citizen in Soviet Union’s Totalitarian Government
    For the majority of the 20th century, the Soviet Union in its various iterations of leadership was considered the epitome of a totalitarian state.
  7. Ideal Citizen in Russia’s Totalitarian Government
    Although officially considered a democratic federal republic, Russia is de facto ruled under an authoritarian system of a dominant political party “United Russia.”
  8. Ideal Citizen in Italy’s Totalitarian Government
    The Fascist rule of Benito Mussolini over Italy from 1922 to 1943 is considered a prime example of a totalitarian government.
  9. North Korea’s Totalitarianism in Politics
    North Korea officially known as DPR Korea presents one of the most interesting countries in terms of political and economic life.
  10. Ideal Citizen Nazi German in a Totalitarian Government
    This essay will discuss how government control and propaganda shaped the image of the ideal citizen in totalitarian Germany.
  11. Ideal North Korean Citizen in a Totalitarian Government
    This paper will discuss how the contemporary North Korean government infringes on human rights by asserting control.
  12. Authoritarian Versus Totalitarian Autocracy
    The totalitarian method is based on one leader and his or her charisma. Authoritarian leaders achieve their positions by imposing a threat on their colleagues and regular citizens.
  13. The Concepts of Crowd Power Theory and Totalitarian Rule
    Canetti’s crowd and power theory explain how whether schemed or self-deluded, ruling elites had always performed as if by being able to sway the ruled, their subjection was ethically vindicated.
  14. Totalitarian Autocracies Theory: Fascism and Communism
    Depending on the different criteria there may be distinguished several kinds of the political regimes. These kinds are presented by the wide range of the political methods of power.
  15. Political Science: Authoritarianism vs. Totalitarianism
    Authoritarian regimes are those that dictate and citizens have no say in national matters. The dictator says and everyone has to follow the dictate without question.

🎓 Most Interesting Totalitarianism Research Titles

  1. The Dictators March: From Political to Economic Totalitarianism
  2. Totalitarianism: Have We Seen the Last of It?
  3. George Orwell and the Theory of Totalitarianism: A 1984 Retrospective
  4. Towards a New Privacy: Totalitarianism, Emotion, and Management Discourse
  5. Historians and Totalitarianism: The Impact of German Unification
  6. A Brooding Omnipresence: Totalitarianism in Post-War Constitutional Thought
  7. The Technocratic Totalitarianism of Construction Process Improvement: A Critical Perspective
  8. Totalitarianism in Public Schools: Enforcing a Religious and Political Orthodoxy
  9. Facing Fascism, Unique Biometric Identifiers and Data Totalitarianism: Socio-Technical Considerations
  10. The Three Phases of Arendt’s Theory of Totalitarianism
  11. Totalitarianism or Biopolitics: A Philosophical Interpretation of the 20th Century
  12. Totalitarianism as a Problem for the Modern Conception of Politics
  13. Cracks in the Monolith: Possibilities and Patterns of Disintegration in Totalitarian Systems
  14. Plato and Totalitarianism: A Comment Upon Basic Issues
  15. Novels That Exemplify a Totalitarian System: “The Giver” and “The Hunger Games”
  16. Demographic Totalitarianism Organization: Early Population Policy in Fascist Italy
  17. The Novelty of Totalitarianism in the History of Western Civilization
  18. Hitler, Stalin, and Shakespeare’s Macbeth: Modern Totalitarianism and Ancient Tyranny
  19. Religious Theater in Poland Under Totalitarianism
  20. Totalitarianism in East-Central European Political Thought and Its Post-Cold War Relevance
  21. How North Korea Became the World’s Longest-Lasting Totalitarian State
  22. The Imagination of Disaster: The Response of American Jewish Intellectuals to Totalitarianism
  23. Totalitarian Government: Discovering Dystopia in Ally Condie’s “Matched”
  24. A Social Movement Theory Analysis of Islamist Totalitarianism
  25. Nazism, Culture, and the Origins of Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt and the Discourse of Evil

đź“Ś Easy Totalitarianism Essay Topics

  1. Red Fascism, Brown Bolshevism: The American Image of Totalitarianism in the 1930s
  2. How Totalitarianism Begins at Home: Saramago and Orwell
  3. Post-Communist Democracy vs. Totalitarianism: Contrasting Patterns of Societal Frustration
  4. The Totalitarianism of Jihadist Islamism and Its Challenge
  5. Narratives of Totalitarianism: Nazism’s Anti-Semitic Propaganda During World War II and the Holocaust
  6. Totalitarian and Authoritarian Dictators: A Comparison of Fidel Castro and Alfredo Stroessner
  7. Does the End of Totalitarianism Signify the End of Ideology?
  8. The Long Life of Stalinism: Reflections on the Aftermath of Totalitarianism and Social Memory
  9. Rejecting Totalitarianism: Translating the Guarantees of Constitutional Criminal Procedure
  10. Totalitarian Paranoia in the Post-Orwellian Surveillance State
  11. Education Under Totalitarian Regimes: The Case of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria
  12. Human Behavior in an Emerging Totalitarian Society
  13. Democracies vs. Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes: The Threat of Nuclear Weapons
  14. Why Totalitarian Dictators Separate Children From Their Families
  15. How Far Was Stalin’s Russia More of a Totalitarian State Than Hitler’s Germany?
  16. Opening Totalitarian Societies to the Outside World: A View From Russia
  17. Retreat From a Totalitarian Society: China’s Urbanism in the Making
  18. Totalitarian Communications as a Means of Control: On the Sociology of Propaganda
  19. Saddam Hussein’s Greed and Totalitarian Quest for Power
  20. Totalitarianism and the Dictatorship of Idea in “Animal Farm” by George Orwell
  21. The Roles of the Monolithic Party Under the Totalitarian Leader
  22. Common Factors That Led to the Establishment of Totalitarian Regimes in Italy and Germany in the Inter-War Period
  23. The Hunger Games: How Bad Can Living Under a Totalitarian Government Be?
  24. Manipulating the Masses: The Iraq War and the Emergence of Totalitarian Democracy
  25. Totalitarian Propaganda as Discourse: A Comparative Look at Austria and France in the Fascist Era

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