73 Twitter Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Twitter

🌶️ Hot Twitter Essay Topics

  1. Is My Personal Data Being Commercially Exploited by Twitter?
    Twitter has been actively developing since 2006, and at the moment, there is a problem that Twitter uses personal data for commercial purposes.
  2. DunkinDonuts Twitter Analysis: Social Interaction Network Properties
    Twitter is a global social network that unites millions of users around the world. Many people use Twitter for private purposes, to share their thoughts or memories.
  3. Analysis of Twitter Data for Cronkite News
    Analyzing the reader’s activity on Twitter can significantly benefit a news agency as it helps to identify the audience’s interests.
  4. Twitter’s Privacy Policy, Collection of the Guidelines
    Twitter’s Privacy Policy is a collection of the guidelines that govern the collection, storage, and use of users’ personal information.
  5. Dunkin’ Donuts’ Twitter Account: Netlytic Analysis
    Netlytic is an adequately designed analytical framework that demonstrates significant results in the extraction and analysis of social networks from online conversations.
  6. Denial of Service Attack on Twitter
    This paper shall set out to discuss a recent computer denial of service attack in a bid to highlight how such attacks can be perpetrated and the damage that may result.
  7. How CEOS Can Leverage Twitter
    The current paper aims to explore the main topics related to Twitter apologies and define the essential characteristics of communities that require apologies.
  8. Donald Trump’s Twitter and Free Speech
    America is a democratic state, its citizens have the right to express their thoughts freely. According to this position is illegal that the President block people on Twitter.
  9. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in Activism and Revolution
    This paper will analyze the role of social media’s influence (Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube) in activism and revolution on the world stage.
  10. How Twitter Uses Google Analytics for Marketing Success
    Google Analytics has become an essential part of digital advertising and marketing. Twitter has taken advantage of the necessity of this online tool to capture marketers worldwide.
  11. Social Network That Allows Users: Twitter in Education
    The research work shows that all people need is for their opinions to be heard and social networks like twitter have enabled students to get involved in classroom activities.
  12. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube Influence on Activism and Revolution
    Social media’s impact on the progress of social activism and revolution on the world stage is vital, as it provides the free exchange of data among unlimited numbers of persons.
  13. Twitter’s Impact: Elections, Revolutions, and Celebrities
    Twitter has been a pivotal element in the outcome of several election cycles, a few revolutions, and the burgeoning success of several celebrities.
  14. Leveraging Twitter for Product Development and Marketing
    Evan Williams mentioned that the growth of the online service was stimulated by the users who frequently offered different methods of Twitter’s use.
  15. Cyberactivism and Social Media in the Arab World: A Digital Revolution
    Social activists have relied no both Facebook and Twitter in recent years to organize and execute demonstrations against egalitarian regimes in the Arab world.
  16. Dell’s Twitter Strategy: Tracking the Impact of Word-of-Mouse in Marketing
    Dell uses its Twitter account to interact with its clients. This report tracks the word of mouse that has been trending in Dell’s Twitter account for the last 8 weeks.

đź‘Ť Good Twitter Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Why Twitter Is the Ideal Platform for Engagement
  2. Dealing With Cyber-Bullying on Twitter
  3. Social Comparison in Social Media: A Look at Facebook and Twitter
  4. The Effect of Twitter Exposure on False Memory Formation
  5. Advantages of Twitter: Current Trends and Future Possibilities
  6. Creative and Effective Ways of Engage Your Active Twitter
  7. Social Comparison Behavior on Social Network Sites: The Comparison Between Twitter and Instagram
  8. Twitter Business Model: How Does Twitter Make Money?
  9. Discovering and Characterizing Places of Interest Using Twitter
  10. The Psychological Effects of Twitter Use
  11. Social Media and Alcohol Use: The Impact of Facebook and Twitter on College Students
  12. Exploring the Use of Twitter in Science Public Relations
  13. The Use of Twitter for Innovation in Business Markets
  14. How to Use Twitter for College Recruiting
  15. Twitter: Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses
  16. Is Twitter for Business Even Worth the Trouble?
  17. Twitter vs. Facebook and the Personality Predictors of Social Media Usage
  18. The Role of Twitter in the World of Business
  19. Facebook vs. Twitter: Which Is Best for Your Brand?
  20. Social Interaction via New Social Media: How Interactions on Twitter Affect Effectual Thinking and Behavior
  21. Advantages and Disadvantages of Twitter for Business
  22. Twitter Marketing: Does It Work for Hotels?
  23. How Twitter Has Changed the Way Advertisers Communicate
  24. The Importance of Twitter as the Social Media for Business
  25. Exploring How Student-Athletes Use Twitter and Respond to Critical Tweets

🎓 Most Interesting Twitter Research Titles

  1. The Causes and Effects of Using Twitter
  2. Tools and Methods for Capturing Twitter Data During Natural Disasters
  3. Why Is Twitter Important for Scientists?
  4. Intrinsic vs. Image-Related Utility in Social Media: Why Do People Contribute Content to Twitter
  5. The Importance of Twitter for the Social Media Marketing of a Company
  6. Using Twitter as a Public Relations Tool
  7. How to Create a Twitter Marketing Strategy
  8. Twitter and Democracy: A New Public Sphere?
  9. Evaluating Twitter for Use in Environmental Awareness Campaigns
  10. The Twitter Effect: Social Media Usage as a Contributor to Movie Success
  11. Students’ Experience in Using Twitter for Online Learning
  12. Twitter Activism: Understanding the Twittersphere as the Foremost Community for Activism and Dragging in Nigeria
  13. How Twitter Literacy Can Benefit Conservation Scientists
  14. Twitter and Its Effect on Our Lives
  15. Mining Twitter to Detect Hotspots in Psychology
  16. Does Twitter Contribute to Suicide?
  17. The Role of Twitter in the Life Cycle of a Scientific Publication
  18. Would Public Relations Survive Without Twitter?
  19. The Twitter Buyout: Is Elon Musk a Madman or a Genius?
  20. How to Use Twitter for Successful Business Marketing
  21. The Potential and Limitations of Twitter Activism
  22. Identifying Valuable Information From Twitter During Natural Disasters
  23. Understanding Human Mobility Using Twitter
  24. The Impact of Twitter Use on Relationship Infidelity and Divorce
  25. How Much Is Too Much? Privacy Issues on Twitter

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StudyCorgi. "73 Twitter Essay Topics." June 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/twitter-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "73 Twitter Essay Topics." June 6, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/twitter-essay-topics/.

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