Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System


The education system is one of the most critical aspects of society. The purpose of education is to provide a foundation for a prosperous, meaningful, and fulfilling life. This study will aim to analyze the impact of Artificial Intelligence in education. This research will incorporate two qualitative research methods; design-based research and case study. This study will seek to determine the positive impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on education in making teaching more effective, improving administrative processes, and enhancing student engagement.

The Objective of the Research

This research aims to analyze how the education system can maximize the advantages of Artificial Intelligence. It will also compare the traditional education system with a plan that uses AI to explain the impact of technology. The research will contribute to understanding the importance of technology in providing the ability to deliver better learning experiences, keep students engaged, and develop better learning outcomes.

Independent Variables and Dependent Variables

The independent variables refer to the factors being studied, while the dependent variables are the factors that are aimed at change. The independent variables for this study are the different Artificial Intelligent Technologies features that could be used in the education system. The dependent variables for this research would be how these AI features would affect the education system. The independent variables will focus on the cause and the dependent variables will focus on how the independent variables would be affected.

Background and Significance

While critics think that AI should not be used in schools due to its damaging psychological impact, there is growing evidence that this technology can positively impact student learning; and would undoubtedly be a good investment for schools. The global pandemic has shown the importance of students being able to adapt to a world that’s changing at a faster rate than ever before. The article “Artificial Intelligence in Education and Schools” (Gocen & Aydemir, 2020) studied the possible situations that would result after implementing AI in education. The controversies surrounding technology concern how much influence it can have on the psychology of students. However, if the technology is implemented effectively, it will overcome unforeseen challenges.

Research Sample, Design, and Methods

The qualitative research method for this study will collect and analyze data from students at different levels using open-ended questionnaires. The participants can either answer the questions online or fill out forms. The participants’ responses will be investigated through their understanding and experience of using AI in their lives. The research will be divided into two parts, with the reactions coded to simplify the evaluation of responses.

Ethical Considerations

This research will adhere to the ethical considerations on the boundaries between practice and research. The study will strictly follow the ethical code to respect the participants and their decisions, according to the Belmont report (Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP), 2022). The research will prioritize the protection of the participants against any potential harm. The study will also protect the information offered by the participant from unauthorized personnel gaining access to it.


The main challenge is the financial constraints needed to finance the research. There is also the problem of acquiring the necessary license and permission to conduct research which the institution could offer. Some participants are usually skeptical when providing their personal information. This is why it is essential to assure them of the safety of their information by recognizing an institutional license for research. Additionally, there will be constant traveling during data collection; therefore, financing the study would be convenient.


Gocen, A., & Aydemir, F. (2020). Artificial intelligence in education and schools. Research on Education and Media, 12(1), 13–21. Web.

Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). (2022). Read the Belmont report. HHS. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 28). Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System.

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System'. 28 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System." November 28, 2023.


StudyCorgi. "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System." November 28, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Education System." November 28, 2023.

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