Communication Strategy for a Project During Planning, Launching, and Monitoring


Effective communication represents one of the core requirements for successful project management. In the context of an organization that is striving to remain competitive in the global economy, communication is vital for reducing the threat of errors and maintaining consistent quality. In this project, the core challenges associated with communication are addressed with the following introduction of strategies and tools for its enhancement. By encouraging the promotion of diversity within the target setting, as well as integrating tools for building an effective communication model, the company will improve its timing and, therefore, the quality of products and services.

Target Organizational Environment

Examining the target environment will reveal that it is in a drastic need for an update of its communication strategy. Specifically, the company in question has developed a setting with a substantial rigid framework for core processes and the resulting limitations for the communication channel. As a result, with the expansion of the organization and its attempt to enter into the global market, problems associated with the improvement of its supply chain and the management of its core projects, as well as the coordination of key participants’ actions, have developed. For this reason, introducing a new framework for managing communication processes within the specified context is required.

Defining Project Management

In order to determine the communication strategies that the company in question should integrate in its project management framework, one should scrutinize the concept of project management, in general. Project management has a tremendous meaning for a company since it encompasses the organization’s approach to addressing core tasks and achieving its goals, thus, representing corporate philosophy in its essence (Wysocki, 2013). Specifically, agile PM (APM) and extreme PM (EPM) represent some of the latest trends in PM (Wysocki, 2013). Allowing a company to maintain its core process interconnected (APM) and operate in the setting of high complexity (EPM), the specified frameworks require particular consideration hen addressing the concerns observed in the target setting. Thus, by examining the subject matter and identifying flaws in its communication framework and the associated structural issues, one will reinforce the company’s performance.

First Issue: Description

Among the core challenges to be considered and handled in the setting of the target organization, one must mention communication, particularly, data management, in relation to the logistics processes. Multiple studies confirm that the efficacy of logistics processes, including both in- and outbound ones, hinges on the quality of communication (Wysocki, 2013). Specifically, effective data management and a well-build dialogue help minimize the extent of delays and the associated misunderstandings, therefore, improving the speed of process and ensuring timely goal completion. As a result, customer experience will be elevated substantially, allowing for a rise in the company’s competitiveness.

Related Concerns

Linked to the issue of logistics, the process of information management, particularly, data transfer, needs to be updated within the target organization. Currently, a range of omissions of facts that might seem minor yet affect the company’s performance in the long run take place. The specified issues produce a combined effect of a drop in the quality of the company’s performance and the resulting rise in the levels of customer dissatisfaction (Wysocki, 2013). In the context of APM, communication must be improved by promoting a change-driven corporate philosophy and the principles of incremental innovation.

Project Management Life Cycle

Another concern to be addressed in the target context concerns the use of the available technology as the tool for boosting the efficacy of communication within the company’s logistics framework. The current approach to using technology is restricted to the application of well-established and time-tested tools for managing communication, which is reasonable enough given the level of risk and the extent of competition. However, in addition to the existing approaches, an APM-based tool should be integrated to enhance the efficacy of communication. To ensure that the process of adjustment to the new communication technology is implemented smoothly, an intermediate stage involving the use of the iterative project management life cycle model (IPLCM) will have to be included (Wysocki, 2013). As Wysocki (2013) asserts, the proposed framework will provide “a solution are not clearly defined or perhaps are even missing” (p. 51). Thus, the processes within the supply chain, particularly, its logistics aspect, will remain uninterrupted.

Second Issue: Collaboration Concerns

Similarly, the issue of collaboration with participants as a concern related directly to the challenge of managing logistics should be discussed. The significance of collaboration within agile and especially extreme projects is always indisputable, which is why a drop in cooperation efficacy that follows communication issues is anticipated. Specifically, obstacles to effective collaboration are likely to emerge due to delays and information misinterpretation that communication issues will entail in the context of the logistics processes (Wysocki, 2013).

Motivation Concerns

In addition, the described issues may affect staff members’ motivation and enthusiasm, exacerbating the problem of communication and causing even more drastic changes. Therefore, appropriate tools must be utilized to enhance the efficacy of collaboration. In turn, with the integration of the principles of ETP in the target context, the transformation of the client’s input from the one of a participant to that one of a leader, as Wysocki (2013) suggests, will enhance the quality of the end result.

Proposed Solutions

Another challenge that the organization is presently facing in relation to the communication process within the project management framework concerns the necessity to support continuous improvement. The importance of promoting incremental innovation in the organizational context is not to be underestimated since it allowas shaping the outcomes to a considerable degree (Wysocki, 2013). Therefore, the concept of incremental innovation, as well as the acceptance of disruptive ones, should be incorporated into the project management philosophy (Wysocki, 2013). Specifically, the described change will require the introduction of the EMP technique as the design that will help manage drastic changes to the external environment and adjust to them accordingly. For this reason, a combination of five core forms of communication, specifically, both verbal and nonverbal, as well as written communication, visual information, and listening, must be integrated into the development of the communication channel.

Proposed Tools and Techniques

Specifically, the communication channel in question must be built as the basis for managing issues linked to logistics and collaboration across the supply chain, particularly, to maintain the logistics processes consistent and to ensure that incremental improvement principles and quality management are streamlined within the project. For this purpose, tools involving accurate modeling and visualization of core ideas, as well as the opportunities for communicating ideas verbally in a manner as accurate as possible, must be integrated. Specifically, for the online contexts, the use of digital technologies such as Zoom must be integrated to share core information and provide accurate instructions. Similarly, use of applications allowing for shared knowledge management, such as Google Workspace, must be incorporated into the process. Preferably, the organization will need to build its personal digital workspace and a knowledge base founded on existing platforms.

Team Coordination

Furthermore, the issue associated with multiple team coordination as one of the crucial aspects of communication in the context of APM and EPM must be addressed. Namely, due to the challenges observed in the realm of communication within the PM framework, the opportunities for coordinating the performance of several teams with sufficient precision is significantly impaired in the target setting (Wysocki, 2013). The described issue occurs due to the lack of cohesion in data management and the failure to communicate homogenous ideas and instructions to all teams (Wysocki, 2013).

Change Management

Finally, the problem of monitoring and controlling change emerges as a direct result of the disruptive processes observed in the dialogue between project team members. Specifically, since the guidelines and other information receive by the participants is not homogenous, controlling and monitoring the implementation of the core tasks, as well as the promotion of change, becomes nearly impossible. Consequently, tools for challenging the described concerns will be integrated. Specifically, collaboration across small co-located teams will be seen as the main vehicle for changing the current communication framework within the organization.

Expected Outcomes: First Benefit

The proposed recommendation will entail two essential benefits, the first one being a rise in the extent of collaboration among participants and the associated improvement in data management. Particularly, it is expected that the process of knowledge sharing and the extent of accuracy in data management, as well as adherence to instructions among project team members, will improve.

Second Benefit

Another benefit that the proposed solutions to the challenges in question will entail concerns improved quality management. Since the accuracy of data management, including updates on the completion of project stages, the obtained feedback from the client, and the provision of instructions, will be enhanced, inconsistences, delays, and errors, as well as other issues, will be identified and addressed properly (Wysocki, 2013). Consequently, the efficacy and quality of the project will increase.

Expected Outcomes

It is expected that the suggested changes to the organizational environment will lead to a significant improvement in communication and data management quality. Particularly, errors in data processing and transfer, as well as the resulting delays and product quality issues, will be removed from the PM context. Consequently, the quality of the outcomes and the extent of customer satisfaction will rise.

Further Transformation: Conclusion and Recommendations

Overall, it is believed that the offered framework involving the use of APM along with the elements of EMP will contribute to the enhancement of the communication process within the organization. Specifically, issues associated with the expansion of the logistics-related processes and the enhancement of data management within the project will improve significantly. Namely, the focus on the introduction of tools for increasing the speed and efficacy of data processing supported by relevant corporate policies and standards will encourage project management teams to deliver the best results possible. Furthermore, with an advanced communication approach, improved risk management techniques will be integrated into the corporate environment, thus reducing relevant threats. As a result, project goals will be attained accordingly.


Wysocki, R. K. (2013). Effective project management: traditional, agile, extreme (7te ed.). John Wiley & Sons.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 27). Communication Strategy for a Project During Planning, Launching, and Monitoring.

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