Impact of Communication in Mass Media World

The practice of being able to switch key elements of identity in an online communication process is mostly harmful to people’s self-concept. It is stated that an authentic and in-depth self-presentation on Facebook was highly associate with higher levels of self-esteem (Yang & Bradford, 2015). In other words, one should note that being honest online can manifest in better overall outcomes, which means that dishonesty will inevitably damage a person. In addition, the issue creates ethical issues when an individual presents himself or herself as something they are not because it can promote deception and misinformation. For example, people might be able to scam victims by creating fake identities of their inner circle or loved ones. The possible reasons for such an approach among the masses might include low-esteem and insecurity in presenting oneself. In some instances, it can be both useful and not useful, where, in the former case, an individual can hide irrelevant elements of his or her identity to avoid unnecessary cyberbullying.

The Influence of the Media on Human Perception

Generalization can be encountered in many informal magazines, which describe stereotypical assumptions about categories of people. For example, the given piece claims that a woman should date a man who drinks beer, where the author makes generalized statements that it is linked with intelligence and entertainment (Haltiwanger, 2016). The media defines physically attractive women as desirable, whereas men’s financial status is the key determinant of success. However, it is different from the metrics used by regular people, who might value and cherish honesty, strength, courage, resilience, and kindness. The messages are mostly designed by people of the higher socioeconomic class, such as news writers or Hollywood directors. Although younger people might absorb these messages, society primarily responds to them by realizing that they are inaccurate depictions of their daily struggles. However, they can slowly prime people to value the demonstrated characteristics, which can have a negative impact on relationships.


Haltiwanger, J. (2016). 6 legitimate reasons you should date a guy who drinks beer. Elite Daily. Web.

Yang, C., & Bradford, B. (2015). Online self-presentation on Facebook and self development during the college transition. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 45(2), 402-416.

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