Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World

Religion plays an essential role in the growth of an individual, society, and the whole world. Religion acts as a guidebook on how people should live, driven by their faith and principles of life (Primal Religions, n.d.). Moreover, religious leaders are expected to teach people the virtue of love and lead by example. The fact that they instill some sense of order to be followed by their believers makes religion a symbol of unity to all believers and shows the magnitude of the impact of religion in modern society.

According to Primal Religions (n.d.), the impact of religion is paramount to the daily routine of a believer. This means that religion is behind some of the core values of any believer. In Christianity, for example, a person should love his or her neighbor as he loves himself. Religion, therefore, marks its impact on society by being the driving force of faith and love by everyone. Faith, in Christianity, is the firm belief in God as the Ultimate Ruler of all mankind. Religious leaders like the Pope are considered God’s men sent to earth to deliver divine justice (Primal Religions, n.d.). This demonstrates how important religion is to the daily lives of its believers.

However, religion in society could also cause tension and even divide citizens, especially if religious leaders tend to use power for their own gain. During the reign of King Louis the XIV, some believed the church was right in having large parcels of land and controlling the economy and resources, and others did not (Primal Religions, n.d.). This situation demonstrates the abuse of power by religious leaders for selfish gains at the expense of those they rule. This can possibly be a point of division between the rulers and those who feel oppressed, hence the genesis of long-term tension.

Religion can be used as the supreme rule of law in the land and that could cause unity among its citizens. Countries like Iran use Islam as the state religion and have even created a code of law, Sharia, using the Islamic religion (Primal Religions, n.d.). On most occasions, religion has worked proactively with governments and international bodies to advocate for global peace (Primal Religions, n.d.). This demonstrates their commitment to working towards world peace and humanitarian uplifting.

However, religion can also be the cause of disunity among citizens, as was the case in 1862 when Abraham Lincoln imposed taxes on people practicing polygamy (Primal Religions, n.d.). This was against the belief of the Mormons, who practiced and believed in a polygamous marriage in the USA. In the Roman Catholics, Christian leaders have been on the frontline in the fight against using contraceptives, which most governments legislate. This debate can potentially bring tension and confusion as people’s opinions are divided over what law to believe and not to believe.

In conclusion, religion has a significant social and spiritual impact on people. Depending on the situation and the case, religion can be used to resolve international and local wars. Efforts by religious leaders who work hand-in-hand with international bodies to maintain world peace indicate that religion can be used for a good course. Nevertheless, religion is a very powerful tool of influence and should not be in the wrong hands of leadership. If wrongly used, it can threaten world peace and the sovereignty of people.


Primal Religions [MOOC]. In Approaches to Studying Religions. Sophia Learning. Web.

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