Impact of the Internet on Consumers’ Opportunities

Today, modern technology provides opportunities for consumers to play a pivotal role in brands’ advancement, such as product appearance, quality, and even operation. Furthermore, I agree that people are now more open to accepting advertisements and purchasing displayed items (Ortiz-Ospina, 2019). In other words, with social media, people have changed their behavior towards fulfilling their principal needs, such as clothing, cooking equipment, and hygiene products. c online: on Instagram, Facebook, or other social media shops. In addition, a drastic exposure of people to social media tools enabled the advancement of organizations worth billions of dollars. I agree that due to modern technology, people have also changed their behavior towards basic needs and matters. Overall, people can now look at online purchases from different perspectives as it has become more affordable and less challenging to shop online.

To begin with, I agree that the internet has given consumers opportunities regarding their online purchases that they have not experienced before. Therefore, people can easily shop online and check the quality of the products they are willing to purchase. To be more exact, consumers can analyze reviews and see whether the goods are of high quality. Consequently, buyers can decide whether the product is suitable or they should seek a similar one but from another manufacturer. I do also believe that such a drastic exposure to internet tools has led to people wasting their money on products they do not need. Nevertheless, the internet still provides people with more benefits as they can spend less time shopping online compared to going to factual stores. Furthermore, consumers are capable of purchasing items all around the world if they cannot find the right one in the domestic market.


Ortiz-Ospina, E. (2019). The rise of social media. Our world in data. Web.

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