Importance of Childhood Education and Development


The first five years of the child’s life have a significant influence on long–term socioemotional, intellectual, and physical development. The essential early-life boosters are comprehensive support and protection from caregivers and the community that have long-term benefits such as enhanced health and quality of life, along with the improved capacity to learn and work. Thus, early childhood education and development play a critical role in children’s educational and social experiences, assisting them in learning new skills and obtaining new knowledge.

Early Childhood Programs As a Means to Fulfill Potential

Early childhood programs are an essential source of support for children’s growth and functioning. Highly skilled educators, smaller class sizes, and lower child-to-staff ratios are some signs of a strong program aimed at early childhood development and education (Early childhood development and education, 2020). Excellent quality programs can boost motivation to learn and explore while encouraging and supporting academic achievement (Britto et al., 2017). Additionally, childhood education and development programs allow children not only fully thrive in their surroundings and fulfill their potential but learn how to focus on others, exploring proper ways to interact with their peers and adults.

Early Childhood Programs As a Means to Learn Skills

Moreover, childhood education and development influence the perceptions of children. When surrounded by individuals of different races, nationalities, religions, and socioeconomic statuses, they gain more insight into the diversity of society (Essa & Burnham, 2019). As a result, young children explore the inner workings of the community. Additionally, children perform tasks that encourage their creativity and basic logic skills and allow them to express their opinions and feelings (Vogt et al., 2018). Educators provide children with a myriad of activities, diversifying between physical, emotional, or cognitive tasks.


Thus, childhood education and development are critical influencing factors in the future and character of children. Because the first five years are the most important in children’s lives, it is vital to incorporate such programs. With the help of childhood education and development programs, students are exposed to a variety of activities that encourage academic achievements and teach children various skills.


Britto, P. R., Lye, S. J., Proulx, K., Yousafzai, A. K., Matthews, S. G., Vaivada, T.,… & Lancet Early Childhood Development Series Steering Committee. (2017). Nurturing care: Promoting early childhood development. The Lancet, 389(10064), 91-102.

Early childhood development and education. (2020). The Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Web.

Essa, E. L., & Burnham, M. M. (2019). Introduction to early childhood education. Sage Publications.

Vogt, F., Hauser, B., Stebler, R., Rechsteiner, K., & Urech, C. (2018). Learning through play–pedagogy and learning outcomes in early childhood mathematics. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 26(4), 589-603.

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