Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception

As it is known, the human mind is capable of much, but at the same time, its capabilities are not entirely understood. For example, the peculiarity of our perception of the surrounding world and the concentration on particular objects look rather ambiguous and intriguing for studying. Our memory has many properties, and one of them is the so-called blindness when the human eye is unable to distinguish between a few images. Moreover, even a short time interval does not help in this case. It is about this unusual condition, as well as the possible methodology for its study that will be discussed.

Possible Hypothesis for the Experiment

A reasonable basis for the presented test may be the following: the features of the human consciousness not to notice quite obvious changes are natural and innate. Such blindness, as scientists and psychologists often call it, can be caused by several factors. For example, the absorption of attention by a particular task explains the fact that sometimes people are not able to notice at a glance distinct changes that take place right before them. Another reason is unconscious and, at the same time, intentional ignoring the changes that occur. When people watch what they suppose is important for them, they just do not focus their attention on other objects or people. It is possible to study this phenomenon in more detail to discuss the method of its verification.

Method of Testing the Hypothesis

It would be possible to test a group of people by a series of experiments, where they would be offered certain situations to test this hypothesis. A video with a stranger who asks for direction is one of the options for checking. For example, it can be work with images, where several elements are drawn. People can be asked to compare several pictures, studying each for some time. In doing so, they can carry out the task, for example, to assess whether the length of the lines in the pictures is the same. After that, they can be asked specific questions that are not related to the task. For instance, what color was the background in the pictures, or what numbers were in the corners of the sheets of paper? With a high degree of probability, not all people could give complete answers to these questions.

Conclusions Drawn from the Data

Based on the experiment conducted, it can be concluded that it is these tests that are the evidence of the so-called inattentive blindness. According to the data obtained, it is possible to analyze the percentage of people who answered the questions correctly and make sure that such blindness is an entirely natural feature of the human mind. If the task were to memorize the overall plan of the image, the results would probably be much higher. However, when a person is given a particular task, he or she automatically focuses on some nuances and does not concentrate on general changes.

Thus, the phenomenon presented in the video is rather unusual but theoretically justified. This feature of consciousness can be proved scientifically, and a series of experiments that confirm its nature can be conducted. The results of such tests will help to see that inattentive blindness is almost an innate property of every man, which, however, people find difficult to control and suppress.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 12). Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception. https://studycorgi.com/inattentive-blindness-in-psychological-experiment/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception'. 12 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception." November 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/inattentive-blindness-in-psychological-experiment/.


StudyCorgi. "Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception." November 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/inattentive-blindness-in-psychological-experiment/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Exploring Inattentive Blindness in Human Perception." November 12, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/inattentive-blindness-in-psychological-experiment/.

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