Increasing Diversity in Columbia Consulting


As a company, we would like to better represent the community in which we do business. In this presentation, I will define what it means to have a diverse workforce and describe the business benefits of diversity. I will also outline the steps we plan to undertake to increase the proportion of minorities and women in professional positions within Columbia Consulting. Finally, I will justify the legal and moral grounds for the steps we propose to undertake, point out the pitfalls we must avoid, and present our plan for measuring success. Thank you again for your time, and I hope this presentation will persuade you to support this important initiative.

Definition of Diversity

Before we delve into the benefits of a diverse workforce and the steps we will undertake to increase diversity at Columbia Consulting, it’s important to define what we mean by diversity. To put it simply, diversity encompasses the variety of differences that exist among individuals within a group or organization (Hartman et al., 2021). These dissimilarities may relate to aspects such as race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical abilities, socioeconomic status, and more. Having a diverse workforce means that the organization includes individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. At Columbia Consulting, our goal is to embrace diversity and create an environment where all employees feel appreciated, respected, and accepted, irrespective of their differences.

Business Benefits of Diversity

Diversity brings numerous benefits to an organization, and it is important that we recognize and harness these benefits at Columbia Consulting. Firstly, a diverse workforce can provide a broader range of perspectives, ideas, and experiences, which can lead to increased innovation, creativity, and problem-solving. Different perspectives can also help us better understand our diverse customer base and develop more effective products and services that meet their needs. Secondly, a diverse workforce can enhance our reputation as an inclusive and socially responsible company, which can help us attract and retain top talent. We also have a legal and moral obligation to create an environment that is free from discrimination and promotes diversity and inclusion. Finally, studies have shown that diverse organizations are more financially successful than their less diverse counterparts (Jonsen et al., 2019). By increasing diversity at Columbia Consulting, we can improve our bottom line and achieve long-term success.

Current Diversity at Columbia Consulting

Before we discuss the steps we will undertake to increase diversity at Columbia Consulting, it is important to understand the current state of diversity within our organization. As of now, we have only one African American employee in a professional position, and no other employees of color in these roles. We have three women in professional positions, which represents only a small proportion of our professional staff. Our upper-level management, comprising the top six executives, are all white males. In contrast, our support staff of 15 individuals includes 14 women and 11 individuals who identify as African American or Latino. It is clear that there is a significant underrepresentation of minorities and women in professional positions at Columbia Consulting, which is something we need to address urgently. Through the steps we will outline in the following slides, we aim to create a more diverse and inclusive organization that better reflects the community we serve.

Steps to Increase Diversity

We have identified several key steps that we can take to increase diversity at Columbia Consulting. The first step is to conduct an audit of our current recruitment and promotion processes to identify any potential biases and areas for improvement. Secondly, we will implement a diversity and inclusion training program for all employees to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and how we can create a more inclusive workplace. This training program will cover topics such as unconscious bias, microaggressions, and cultural awareness. Thirdly, we will establish partnerships with local organizations that support minorities and women in the workforce. These partnerships will help us tap into a more diverse talent pool and provide us with access to resources and support that can help us attract and retain diverse employees. Finally, we will set clear diversity goals and regularly track and report on our progress towards achieving these goals.

Legal and Moral Justification

There are both legal and moral justifications for increasing diversity at Columbia Consulting. From a legal standpoint, workplace diversity is protected under federal anti-discrimination laws, which prohibit discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, age, religion, and other protected characteristics. By increasing diversity, we can ensure that we are complying with these laws and protecting the rights of all employees. From a moral standpoint, promoting diversity and inclusion is simply the right thing to do. It is not just a matter of meeting legal requirements, but also about creating a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and included. By creating a more diverse and inclusive organization, we can improve employee morale, productivity, and engagement.

Pitfalls to Avoid

While our goal to increase diversity at Columbia Consulting is noble, there are potential pitfalls that we must be mindful of. One such pitfall is tokenism, where individuals are hired or promoted based on their protected characteristics such as gender or race, rather than their qualifications and abilities. This can lead to resentment among employees and can damage our efforts to create a more inclusive workplace. Another potential pitfall is resistance from some employees, particularly from upper management, who may not understand the importance of diversity or be willing to change the status quo. To overcome this, we need to ensure that everyone in the organization understands the benefits of diversity and is committed to creating a more inclusive workplace. Lastly, it is important to avoid the mistake of assuming that diversity is a one-time fix. Diversity and inclusion require ongoing effort and commitment. We must continuously monitor our progress, adapt our strategies as needed, and hold ourselves accountable for creating a more diverse and inclusive workplace.

Training and Development

To ensure the success of our diversity program, we need to invest in training and development for all employees. This training should cover topics such as unconscious bias, cultural competency, and inclusive leadership. By providing this type of training, we can create a more inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and respected. Additionally, we should offer mentorship and sponsorship opportunities for underrepresented groups within the organization. This will help to promote diversity in leadership positions and provide opportunities for career advancement. Finally, we should also consider implementing diversity metrics to track our progress and ensure that our efforts are effective. By setting specific goals and measuring our progress, we can hold ourselves accountable and make data-driven decisions to further improve diversity at Columbia Consulting.

Recruitment Strategies

We will work to identify and eliminate any biases that may be present in our recruitment processes, such as unconscious bias in job descriptions or hiring committees. We will also explore new sources of talent and expand our outreach efforts to ensure that our job postings and recruitment events are reaching a diverse audience. Additionally, we will work to create a more inclusive hiring process, which may include implementing blind resume reviews or conducting structured interviews to ensure that all candidates are evaluated consistently and fairly.

Measuring Success

The measuring metrics that can be used to track our progress over time should include both quantitative and qualitative measures, such as:

  • The percentage of women and minorities in professional positions
  • The percentage of women and minorities in leadership positions
  • Employee engagement and satisfaction levels
  • Employee turnover rates among underrepresented groups
  • The effectiveness of diversity and inclusion training programs

By measuring our progress on these metrics, we can identify areas where we need to improve and adjust our strategies accordingly. It is important to note that diversity and inclusion are ongoing efforts, and we must remain committed to our goals over the long term to create a truly inclusive workplace.


It can be concluded that increasing diversity at Columbia Consulting is not only the right thing to do, it is also beneficial for business. A diverse workforce brings new perspectives, experiences, and ideas that can help us better serve our clients and drive innovation. By taking a proactive approach to increasing diversity, we can create a workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and included. To achieve this, we need to take a comprehensive approach that includes recruiting, retention, and promotion strategies. We also need to invest in training and development for all employees, and establish metrics to track our progress. By working together and staying committed to our goals, we can make Columbia Consulting a model of diversity and inclusion for the industry.


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