Advancements in Patient Care Through Information Systems

Chin and Sakuda (2012) indicate that “patient care technologies include a wide range of devices such as catheters, barcode drug administration systems, social media, smartphones, and electronic health records (HERs)” (p. 52). The effective and sustainable use of these care technologies can make it easier for nurses to provide safe and quality care. The topic presents a wide range of ideas regarding the use of different technologies to meet the health needs of many patients. It is undeniable that health technologies have the potential to improve the nature and quality of patient care. Studies and analyses of the emerging issues in healthcare technology can present new ideas to ensure quality care is available to more patients. The use of patient care technologies is something that can impact the delivery of healthcare (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Such technologies can ensure safe, timely, efficient, and sustainable healthcare services are available to different people. The use of patient care technologies can result in better health delivery processes. The technology has been observed to minimize errors and maximize patient outcomes. The field of nursing stands a chance to benefit from patient technologies. As patient carers, nurses will use of different technologies to improve service delivery, address emerging challenges, and promote the provision of personalized medical support (Kleinpell et al., 2014). New technologies are emerging every single day. Such technologies will eventually transform the nature of nursing and improve the healthcare sector.

Two Examples of the Topic

There are various examples of patient care technologies that have emerged in the recent past. Such technologies are promoted by healthcare professionals and medical technologists in order to ensure more people receive timely and quality care. One of these patient care technologies is healthcare staffing management technology (HSMT). This kind of technology has emerged in the recent past in an attempt to ensure nursing environments are scheduled in a proper manner (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). The use of the HSMT technology has been found to maximize performance without sacrificing the needs of the targeted clients and nurses. With effective staffing, the technology can ensure there is seamlessness (Chin & Sakuda, 2012). The technology will make it easier for more nurses to respond adequately to the needs of their clients. Healthcare institutions have been embracing the use of this patient care technology to deal with the problem of nursing shortage, minimize workplace conflicts, and improve healthcare delivery.

The second type of patient care technologies revolves around the use of smartphones and handheld devices. Within the past five years, more people have embraced the use of smartphones. These devices have unique features and applications that can be used in the healthcare setting to transform the experiences of many patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). Nurses and caregivers can embrace the use of these apps to acquire new concepts that can improve the health outcomes of more patients (Butler, 2014). Many experts believe strongly that these apps are making it easier for more healthcare institutions to embrace the power of meaningful use. The term meaningful use is currently used to promote the utilization of electronic health records (EHR) in an attempt to improve efficiency, quality, and safety in healthcare delivery (Butler, 2014). When used effectively, more people will be able to access timely nursing care. Such technologies will ensure sentinel events such as medication errors are minimized.

How the Topic Impacts Nursing Practice: Personal Experience

Patient care technology is a topic that has the potential to revolutionize the future of nursing practice. This topic has impacted me personally as a healthcare provider. I have been using smartphones and handheld devices to ensure my patients receive quality and safe care. The use of these handheld devices has made it easier for me to acquire new concepts and skills that can inform my practice. For instance, the apps equip me with useful information especially when delivering care to my patients (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). The knowledge guides me to establish multidisciplinary teams in order to ensure the targeted patients receive quality and timely care. There is a time when I was providing care to a patient from a different cultural background. I used modern technologies to study the unique attributes and cultural aspects associated with individuals from the cultural background. The next thing was to ensure the nature of care available to the patient was personalized, evidence-based, and culturally competent (Kleinpell et al., 2014). The patient was satisfied with my care delivery process. This positive experience shows conclusively that nurses and caregivers can use patient care technologies to support the changing needs of their patients.

The other critical issue arises from the aspect of confidentiality (Butler, 2014). As a caregiver, I have always understood that the use of patient care technologies is something that can transform the health outcomes of many individuals. However, such technologies can affect people’s privacy or confidentiality. Throughout the healthcare delivery process, I observed that the information and data of the client should be taken seriously. This is a clear indication that the use of patient care technologies can result in a number of negative issues. That being the case, providers and implementers of patient care technologies should identify adequate measures to deal with the issue of privacy (Kleinpell et al., 2014). The use of secure systems will promote the privacy of many patients. Effective use of such technologies will ensure the rights of every patient are taken seriously.

Concluding Remarks

The use of patient care technologies will definitely transform the experiences of many underserved populations. Nurses and healthcare professionals should consider every new technology that can impact nursing practice positively. Emerging trends such as the use of smartphones, apps, and EHR systems will make sure more people have access to evidence-based and timely care (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2014). Experts in medical technologies have argued that the future is bright for many healthcare workers and nurses. The important thing is ensuring that the right technologies are identified and implemented in order to promote care delivery. The future use of EHRs will also pose a wide range of challenges such as medical errors and loss of confidentiality. Policymakers should design powerful processes to ensure such technologies are used effectively. A focus on safety and quality is necessary in order to ensure more people receive sustainable care. Collaboration with patients and their family members is a powerful strategy that can result in effective use of patient care technologies (Kleinpell et al., 2014). Consequently, more patients and underserved population will receive quality care and eventually lead healthy lifestyles. In conclusion, the use of patient care technologies will transform the experiences of many patients and address the challenges affecting the global healthcare sector.


Butler, B. (2014). Meaningful use and corrections: Unknown opportunities. Community Oriented Correctional Health Services, 1(1), 1-15.

Chin, B., & Sakuda, C. (2012). Transforming and improving health care through meaningful use of health information technology. Hawaii Journal of Medicine and Public Health, 71(4), 50-55.

Kleinpell, R., Scanlon, A., Hibbert, D., Ganz, F., Fraser, D., Wong, F.,…Beauchesne, M. (2014). Addressing issues impacting advanced nursing practice worldwide. The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 19(1), 1-14.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2014). Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

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