Strategic Formulation in Organizational Leadership


Getting ready for Master of Arts and postgraduate diploma in Leading Innovation and Change, the following terms should be completed before writing a dissertation, ‘Leading Innovation & Change’, ‘The Essence of Leadership’, ‘Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership’, and ‘Culture and Innovation in Organisations’ (2011). Each term has specific purposes which should be achieved.

Proposed Plan

The main purpose of the ‘Leading Innovation & Change’ module is to get theoretical and practical knowledge in the role of team and leadership in the organization and critically reflect on personal abilities for managing changes. Changes can be successfully managed only when the time is properly organized. Stanley Marcus once said that, “The world has expanded in almost all directions, but we still have a 24-hour day. The most successful people, and the most unsuccessful people all receive the same ration of hours each day” (cited in Griessman 1994, p. xi). The role of leaders and their part in organizational change and innovation is considered in ‘The Essence of Leadership’ model. The main outcome of this term is to reflect of team building and team behaviour from the perspective of organizational leadership, consider the role of leadership in the process.

The ability to organize the work in a team is an art, as “highly effective people seem to cut through life’s complexities in bold, clean strokes” (Beck 2008, p. 4). ‘Strategic Thinking and Strategic Leadership’ module is aimed at monitoring the impact of external factors on strategic formulation in organizational leadership. “Productivity and output have constantly to be monitored and management has to be able to step in immediately as soon as inefficiencies are spotted” (Witzel 2002, p. 45), as only in this case efficiency can be achieved. ‘Culture and Innovation in Organisations’ set of information is directed at considering the organizational culture and critically reflecting at the effect of innovation and change on organizational leadership in the cultural content. It should be stated that one of the main purposes of the whole program is to state that “efficient businesses survive while inefficient ones go to the wall” (Witzel 2002, p. 38).

Planned contingency options for unexpected events

My first inclination is to take only one course this term as it will help me determine how well I manage the program and its requirements. In case of success, I intend to take two courses next term. The only real issue I see at present is my location. During the unrest in March, we lost the Internet access for about a week. Once restored, the Internet ran exceptionally slowly for about a month. The possibility of some civil unrest remains high, therefore, I plan to move to London at the earliest possible opportunity. Sickness may be a problem, however, I always have my laptop with me, so I can meet the campus demand to participate in online discussion. I can manage my time in accordance with the prescribed schedule as I live alone and I think that if there is regular non-attendance this leads to loss of one’s progress and slow down of the group’s interactivity (Sandberg 2004).


Therefore, having considered the time schedule and the proposed difficulties, I can say with certainty that I will be able to complete the program successfully. The preparation for dissertation writing is going to be completed successfully as at each stage or studying new goals are going to be achieved. The ability to reach those set goals is a guarantee of successful dissertation writing and gaining profound knowledge in the study field.

Reference List

Beck, M., 2008. How to determine what’s important. O, The Oprah Magazine. Web.

Griessman, B.E., 1994. Time tactics of very successful people. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.

Master of Arts and postgraduate diploma: Leading innovation and change. (2011) Programme Handbook, 2010-2011. York St. John University.

Sandberg, J. 2004, Though time-consuming, to-do lists are a way of life. The Wall Street Journal. Web.

Witzel, M., 2002. A short history of efficiency. Business Strategy Review, 13 (4), 38-47.

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