Strategic Leadership, Leadership Positions, Roles

As an essential phenomenon of society, leadership can be presented in two aspects. It is necessary to distinguish operational or situational leadership focused on the present and strategic leadership focused on the future. Without diminishing the role of a manager’s personal qualities, we view strategic leadership as the ability of the management system to make changes in the organizational process to create and reproduce the organization’s leadership position among its peers. This ability includes, first and foremost, a vision of the future which is close to the mission; it is values-based (Jachtchenko, 2021).

Strategic leadership is an unconditional factor in society’s development. Strategic leadership influences the sustainability and development of an organization, a business and includes such aspects as the obligation of a strategic vision; presentation and formation of a culture and strategic imperatives (laws, principles, mission, values, traditions). An important component of strategic leadership is the so-called spirit of leadership, i.e. the ability to create opportunities and lead people in situations of serious changes, in the presence of risks and uncertainty (Northouse, 2021). Strategic leaders are distinguished by their vision and aspiration for the big goal, a tremendous amount of activity.

They are able to create the image and ambition of a great plan, the commitment to their values and the team’s values, and the ability to intuitively probe for solutions are insights into the future.

Leaders of the future will need values and clarity of vision. They will need to be true to themselves and agile, to be aware of and strive for purpose. Situational or operational leadership focuses on interactions between employees and management, employees and customers or consumers, including policies and procedures, types of leadership and group behavior, core values (trust, respect, honesty, fairness in relationships) (Northouse, 2021). Operational leadership manifests itself in day-to-day situations where one is faced with solving tasks, often under uncertainty and simultaneous multitasking, both for the leader himself and the team.

Strategic leadership is, first of all, a consistent progression towards the ultimate global goal. It is the ability to keep the focus on it and inspire others to synergize efforts to achieve it. Against the background of all the above types of leadership, the strategic type is distinguished by the presence of a necessary trait for it – determination. The latter allows the leader to make unusual decisions associated with a high degree of risk and, therefore, can significantly influence the vector of business or team development. Consequently, without a sound strategic leader, any radical changes in the structure or strategy of the enterprise seem impossible.

Potential leadership is quite pronounced in the role of director. In addition to high professional qualifications, a person performing this role should have many personal qualities. First, the director must be a person with adequate self-esteem and the ability to self-control and self-criticism. The latter quality is necessary to create a transparent relationship within the team. As a strategic leader, a director should have high ambitions and be goal-oriented. Finally, to manage the company and the team competently, it is necessary to be a balanced and stress-resistant person. The role of the director serves, first of all to set the direction of development for the company. In comparison with the role of a frontline staff member, the director’s activity is more methodical, as the director needs to implement the planned program for the company step by step. The similarity between the two roles is that they combine the function of representing the company and developing its image in the public space.


Jachtchenko, W. (2021). The 5 Roles of Leadership: Tools & best practices for personable and effective leaders. Remote.

Northouse, P. G. (2021). Leadership: Theory and Practice (Ninth ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.

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