Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration Model Explained

Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration model is one of the best frameworks that can be used by human service professionals to ensure care is delivered across the lifespan. The main objective of the model is to bring on board many professionals who can support the patient and eventually produce positive results (Reiss-Brennan et al., 2016). The concept of collaboration throughout the service delivery process is what increases the quality of mental support and care. This discussion explains how the model will impact my practice.

Implementation of Intermountain Healthcare’s Mental Health Integration Model

Personally, I strongly believe that the model will impact my practice positively. I will interact with different professionals who understand the unique needs and emerging expectations of the targeted mental health clients. The inclusion of community agencies in the treatment process will ensure more patients and their respective family members are supported. This approach will support my healthcare delivery model and make it easier for me to realize my professional goals.

The integration of the mental health integration model will create the best environment for learning (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). The involved parties will focus on the needs of the client and develop a diverse team that can deliver positive results. Consequently, I will learn something new from each of the participants. The lifelong learning process will definitely be successful because the physicians, practitioners, mental health specialists, and psychologists will present a wide range of concepts to redefine my counseling philosophy.

The six unique aims of high-quality health care will inform my counseling model. According to the model, healthcare workers and counselors working hand in hand should focus on these aims: effectiveness, patient-centered care, safety, timely care, equity, and efficiency (Oniki et al., 2014). The attributes can support my health care delivery model. The multidisciplinary team will outline some of the best practices and approaches that can address the health needs of the client. These attributes will, therefore, define my counseling philosophy.

With an increased level of collaboration, the quality and timeliness of mental health services will improve significantly. Quality mental health care will be available to the largest number of clients. Every participant involved throughout the healthcare delivery process will benefit from the reduced level of burnout. That being the case, the use of the model will support my work-life balance. Consequently, I will be able to pursue both my professional and personal goals (Murcia & Lopez, 2016). This achievement explains why more healthcare professionals and counselors should be on the frontline to use Intermountain’s Mental Health Integration model.

However, some critics have indicated clearly that the increasing level of collaboration can make some of the professionals less productive. Some professionals might ignore their roles because they know someone is focusing on the changing needs of the client (Reiss-Brennan et al., 2016). This reason can be used to explain how the implementation of the model can make it hard for me to achieve my career goals.

Concluding Remarks

The collaboration across professional fields will reduce the resources, costs, and time taken to deliver appropriate care. This approach will guide me to support the changing needs of more clients. When costs and expenses are minimized, more healthcare practitioners will find it easier to offer quality mental healthcare to different people (Oniki et al., 2014). I will always be involved in multidisciplinary care delivery in order to widen my skills. In conclusion, I strongly believe that the model will transform my philosophy and effectiveness as a caregiver.


Murcia, S., & Lopez, L. (2016). The experience of nurses in care for culturally diverse families: A qualitative meta-synthesis. Rev. Latino-Am. Enfermagen, 24(1), 1-11. Web.

Oniki, T., Rodrigues, D., Rahman, N., Patur, S., Briot, P., Talyor, D.,…Cannon, W. (2014). Computerization of mental health integration complexity scores at intermountain healthcare. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings Archive, 1(1), 934-943. Web.

Reiss-Brennan, B., Brunisholz, K., Dredge, C., Briot, P., Grazier, K., Wilcox, A.,…James, B. (2016). Association of integrated team-based care with health care quality, utilization, and cost. JAMA, 316(8), 826-834. Web.

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