Interview: Additions to Five Journalistic “W”s

As a means of communication and learning about a specific person or issue, an interview incorporates both ample opportunities and significant challenges. Although the format of an interview opens a plethora of chances for addressing multiple issues, reliance on the interviewee’s honesty requires that an interviewer should approach the task with a critical lens. Therefore, the piece written by Burns (2017), while being admittedly satirical, contains quite an amount of reason. Specifically, Burns (2017) uses humor to explain that the information received from interviewees must be verified and is not to be taken at its face value immediately. The specified piece of advice is especially valuable in the current multicultural setting, where misunderstandings, multiple biases, and other factors impeding proper information management exist. Therefore, even though the questions listed by Burns appear to be a part of a comedic routine, they make a significant amount of sense when translated into more palatable expressions of concern about the veracity of information and the trustworthiness of its source.


Burns, L. (2017). Additions to the five journalistic “W”s. The New Yorker. Web.

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