Is Islam a Religion That Practices Just War


The argument about Islam being a religion that practices just war arose following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. The fact is that Muslims today are involved in a serious argument about political ethics. This argument is framed in terms of practices that are central to the Islamic tradition. Many people have been questioning the practices of Islam while the Muslim leaders hold strongly that Islam is a religion of peace. To understand the argument of just war in Islam, one has to first understand the meaning of Islam as a religion and its practices. This paper looks at Islam as being a religion of peace and gives an argument of how war is justified in Islam religion.

Islam as a Religion of Peace

According to President George W. Bush, Islam is a religion of peace. On the other hand, Franklin Graham holds that Islam is a wicked religion that is only concerned about the welfare of its followers, while Osama bin Laden avers, Islam is a religion of Allah. These statements show Islam is a religion with many controversies that are yet to be understood. To understand the notion of just war in Islam, one has to first understand the origin and development of Islam as a religion as well as understand the meaning of the term Islam. It is good to look at the words which make up the term Islam. For instance, Al-Islam means submission. This signifies that human beings are supposed to submit or acknowledge God as a supreme being. On the other hand, a Muslim means someone who submits and acknowledges God. Therefore, Islam is a religion in which human beings are supposed to serve God.

Muhammad’s Teachings

Muslims live according to the teaching of Muhammad who is believed to be the first prophet. Just like Christians who follow the teachings and emulate the way of life of Abraham, Muslims emulate Muhammad who is believed to be the mediator between God and Muslims. He was the first prophet to be involved in fights as a way of fulfilling God’s mission. The Qur’an reminds Muslims they have been called by God through grace and have been given a mission to fulfill. They are supposed to command the right and forbid the wrong. This mission is not only carried out through preaching the Qur’an or worshiping, but also through fighting and involving themselves in political activities. Muslims believe that if their survival is threatened, they have to use all means possible to protect and guard themselves against their enemy. War is perceived as a mechanism for self-defense rather than a wicked way, as many people have believed. Fighting is a form of agreement between Muhammad and the median tribes. This suggests prophet Muhammad clearly understood the permission to fight as this prepares Muslims for the coming campaign.

Day of Judgment

To some extreme, the pursuit for security does not reflect the real meaning of Islam as a religion of peace which is also associated with submission to God. The real purpose of Islam is to serve God who is the creator of heaven and earth. Muslims have been placed in a world that is filled with worldly things to make the name of God manifest and be glorified amid these circumstances. However, Muslims have forgotten their real mission and are involving themselves in violent activities. Most of them have failed the test but will be answerable for every deed during the Day of Judgment. The Qur’an holds that on that day each and all will stand before God, who will distribute rewards and punishments according to what each has done. Some people will face the wrath of God because they have not fulfilled their mission. These are people who have been blinded by worldly security. Those who have fought in God’s way will receive rewards while those who have been striving for worldly security will be punished.

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