Is Society Highly Dependent on Computers?


The Internet and digital dependence are logical consequences of the 21st century, the age of technology. Technological advancements and daily life tasks are closely intertwined; nowadays, it is unusual to see a person without a cellphone or computer. Although it is vital to follow modern developments, individuals must restrict their exposure to the Internet. Failure to establish healthy relationships with technologies could lead to social and psychological damages, development of anxiety, and suffering of a ‘digital disease.’ It is justifiable to state that society is too dependent on computers and technology due to the highly addictive behavior, disorders, and emotional problems connected with an inability to limit time spent on the Internet.

Social and Psychological Damages

The changes in technological advancements caused the development of new communication tools and means: social media, social networks, and video games. All these Internet improvements have driven the development of unwitting addictions among individuals. Technologies result in drastic changes in human lives, and the Internet alters the entire social structure (Betoncu & Fezile Ozdamli, 2019). ‘Virtualism’ is a new term in the young social media generation. People get more separated from reality and digital experience problems within platforms. Social media abuse causes the loss of time sense, antisocial behavior within adolescents, isolation from active social life, and the inability to distance from virtual platforms.

Development of Anxiety

New digital products make humans dependent on social media and internet sources. Everyone gets and sends mail; most work processes are associated with computer-based systems. It is unlikely to live without the Internet. People, in their nature, want to be part of the group and feel included. Moreover, be ahead by one step, which creates unreasonable expectations. A group aged 18-24 has a 77% risk of getting the digital disease of nomophobia, an involuntary fear of not reaching a mobile phone (Betoncu & Fezile Ozdamli, 2019). Computers can cause similar mental problems. Behavioral disorders and anxiety about being left without technology confirm the high technological dependence in society.

‘Digital Diseases’ of the 21st Century

There are several digital diseases associated with computer usage. One of the most relevant is cyberchondria and fear of missing out (FOMO). Usually computer dependence causes individuals to spend too much time on social media. Cyberchondria makes users search for their symptoms and self-diagnose dreadful diseases. In comparison, FOMO creates an illusion of information scarcity and the fast pace of technology (Betoncu & Fezile Ozdamli, 2019). Subsequently, depression and Internet nerves have essential power to influence society and cause dissatisfaction with reality.

The counterargument to the acknowledgment of high dependence on computers would be a change of perspective. Humanity cannot predict the consequences of such an exposure to the new world order. To live outside technological advancements sounds as an extreme alternative. Some individuals can find their golden middle in the use of technology and personal life. However, the majority become victims of anxiety, the development of digital diseases, and computer dependence. As a result, young people and children begin their first steps in life with phones/tablets/computers in their hands. These technologies allow them to develop and progress. On the other hand, the young generation already depends on technology.

Another argument explains the nature of digital addiction. Most computer-dependent users are lonely people who struggle to communicate in real life (Betoncu & Fezile Ozdamli, 2019). In that case, the computer provides an escape room for individuals like this and connects them through the virtual sphere to society. They can find their way of expression in the digital world.

In conclusion, humanity have to fight another dependence. The 21st signified beginning of a new period: digital, technological, and Internet addiction. A certain proportion of young people can get addicted to the mobiles, computers and Internet. Consequently, their addiction could lead to more severe problems. This problem is complex and requires consideration for future generations. A significant part of the population has computers and are active Internet users, subject to the negative influence of digital addiction. Psychological disorders, the anxiety and digital diseases prove that the computer addiction is a real issue for modern generation.


Betoncu, O., & Ozdamli, F. (2019). The disease of 21st century: Digital disease. TEM Journal, 8(2), 598.

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