Joe Biden’s Public Speaking Skills Critique

Delivery of Information

The candidates participating in the presidential debates presented some informative speeches. In this paper, the speaking skills of Joe Biden will be analyzed and critiqued in compliance with such aspects as delivery, organization, and confidence. As for the quality of information delivery, the speaker showed competence in articulated issues. His answers to the questions were concise, to the point, and well-developed. Since the goal of the participation in the debates is to inform and persuade the voters by providing them with clear perspectives about future policies, Biden succeeded in the accuracy of message delivery. His utterances were easily perceived and grounded on reliable data. The speaker addressed the audience several times, thus personalizing the communicated issues as ones relevant for every citizen of the USA.


The speech was well-organized, and the topics under discussion were well-developed. When answering questions, Biden accurately addressed the necessary points to provide comprehensive responses. His utterances were clearly structured, and their parts were often introduced in strict order. Thus, using such words as, firstly, secondly, and similar ones indicating the organization of the message, the speaker managed to be understood by his interlocutors and the audience.


Throughout his speech, Biden was calm and confident, although showed his awareness of the issues needed to be improved in the American policies, as well as demonstrated his concern with education, taxes, combat troops, and other critical issues. However, when confronted by Kamala Harris on the previous praising comments Biden made about people initiating segregation, the speaker failed to provide constructive reaction. He did not show composure but instead tried to justify his earlier statements without clearly responding to the questions asked.

Implications for Performance Improvement

Overall, as an experienced speaker, Biden showed a high level of competence in public speaking. However, such a type of performance as debates presents an opportunity not only to deliver the prepared information but also improvise when responding to unpredicted requests. Therefore, it is essential to remain calm and exude confidence driven by the goal of speech which, in this case, is persuasion of the voters to support the candidate in the elections.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, May 31). Joe Biden’s Public Speaking Skills Critique.

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StudyCorgi. 2021. "Joe Biden’s Public Speaking Skills Critique." May 31, 2021.

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