John McCain vs. Barack Obama: Elections Campaign


Never in the history of US Presidential elections has a campaign been more closely followed nationally as well as globally as that of the two contenders, John Mc Cain and Barack Obama. For the first time, a Black American has been nominated as a Presidential nominee and the import of that event is not lost on the world. Even more riveting is the obvious contrast between the two leaders, Mc Cain, a Vietnam War hero and a grizzled veteran of Washington Politics and Obama, a fresh young face at Capitol Hill. Notwithstanding the contrast, both men are similar in many ways and this essay attempts to compare and contrast John Mc Cain with Barack Obama.

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The first aspect that strikes an observer is the contrast in the age of the two contenders. Mc Cain, aged 72 and Obama, aged 47 are generations apart. Barack Obama appeals to the young, the ‘yuppies’ and women because he appears approachable, has fresh ideas and projects an image of a person who can change America. Looking at the body language of the two men in public rallies and on television interviews, Obama wins hands down.

Obama looks relaxed, has an easy dialogue delivery, smiles and jokes more spontaneously while John Mc Cain looks positively stiff. The fact that Obama appeals to the young is also typified by his harnessing the power of the internet. His campaign managers generated record breaking campaign donations by just using the internet. Obama on Youtube is a big hit the world over. Mc Cain campaign on the other hand has been more traditional in its approach.

John Mc Cain appeals to the older, more conservative Americans and Christians because he is someone whom they identify with. According to the National Christian Poll (September 2008), “Three out of twenty (15%) Active Christian registered voters would vote for Barack Obama while about seven out of ten (71%) would vote for John McCain”(2). Nevertheless, both men are mavericks in their own right.

Though Mc Cain is conservative, he is perceived as not being ‘conservative enough’ by right wing America. Mc Cain in his long and illustrious career has not always toed the Republican line and that makes the right wingers wary of him. Both candidates sprung surprises with their choice of running mates. While Obama sought to balance his perceived lack of knowledge on foreign policy issues and age by opting for Joe Biden, Mc Cain surprised everyone by nominating Sarah Palin, the young governor from Alaska in a bid to balance the ‘age factor’.

Mc Cain’s advantage lies in his deep understanding and exposure to Foreign Policy issues, something that Barack Obama lacks. Obama prefers to end the war in Iraq and has stated that “We must refocus our efforts on Afghanistan and Pakistan — the central front in our war against al Qaeda — so that we are confronting terrorists where their roots run deepest”(Obama, 2007). Mc Cain on the other hand has repeatedly insisted on ‘staying the course’ in Iraq. On the current economic bailout plan, both men have shown bipartisanship by stating that ” This plan cannot be a welfare program for Wall Street Executives”(22).

On abortion issues Obama “Supports Roe v. Wade; criticized Supreme Court decision that upheld ban on partial-birth abortions” (Carter et al. 2008). John Mc Cain wants to overturn Roe Vs Wade. So it can be summarized that both candidates have marked contrasts but also some similar traits and Americans will have a hard choice choosing the ultimate winner.

Works Cited

Carter, Shan, Ellis, Jonathan, Hossain, Farhana & Mcclean, Alan. 2008. “On the Issues:Abortion”. New York Times. Web.

Drehle, David Von. 2008. “The Financial Crisis: Who Can Lead Us Out of This Mess”. Time Magazine NY. Vol.172, No. 13.

Obama, Barack. 2007. “Renewing American Leadership”. Foreign Affairs Magazine. Web.

National Christian Poll Website. 2008. “2008 U.S.. Presidential Election: Active Christians’ Views After Vice Presidential Candidates Were Chosen”. Web.

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