Johnson & Johnson’s Acquisition of Asaka Inc.


Johnson & Johnson is suggested to buy ASAKA Inc., which is the company working on AI specifically for healthcare providers. The healthcare industry has been developing rapidly in recent years. As Johnson & Johnson succeeded in its expansion on the market, buying other healthcare-related companies, it is wise to continue doing so, as this has shown positive results in the past. A great example of such acquisitions was buying the Pfizer company, which significantly expanded the categories on the market encompassed by Johnson & Johnson. All the manufacturing markets that are not directly related to information technologies are now dependent on their success in correctly adopting and exploiting the advantages of IT in their businesses. Healthcare has experienced many changes in the past years in terms of its dependence on information technologies. One such implementation is artificial intelligence, which is now one of the key drivers of healthcare. Johnson & Johnson provides every product needed for it varying from baby powders to vaccines.

Johnson & Johnson Buying ASAKA Inc.

There are various reasons for Johnson & Johnson buying ASAKA Inc. being beneficial. One of the significant products that are not developed by Johnson & Johnson is AI. It is widely implemented in medical services to optimize automation processes. This is one of the services the demand for which is rapidly increasing. As Johnson & Johnson’s goal is to be able to provide the best and the most advanced products to the healthcare industry, particularly dedicated to such facilities AI could be a perfect product to become one of the many provided. For this reason, buying ASAKA Inc. would be a wise decision to step into this market.

Johnson & Johnson must see two main alignments of the acquisition of ASAKA Inc. with the company. These alignments are related to the goals of the organization and the financial outcomes of buying ASAKA. Johnson & Johnson has stated many times that the primary goal and strategy for it is to positively impact healthcare for humanity. Adding AI that optimizes the processes for healthcare providers seems to perfectly align with this statement. The possibilities of AI are only expanding, and nevertheless, it is already doing a great job of serving humanity in the area of healthcare.

If Johnson & Johnson starts distributing AI, it would be more trusted due to the company’s name and reputation and would be better distributed for the same reasons. Besides, for Johnson & Johnson to be one of the world’s largest and most successful healthcare product manufacturers, it is necessary to be innovative and to be ahead of time. The competing companies on the market will soon start realizing the importance of AI in healthcare and will seek opportunities to implement it in their business. For Johnson & Johnson to be the first large company to make that step would be a great reputational success, not to mention that the advantage of being the pioneer in this field will help the company in the competition. ASAKA Inc. is the perfect option for this because them being one of the leaders in the healthcare AI market.

In terms of financial outcomes, Johnson & Johnson will not only be able to gain the outcome that ASAKA has at the moment but amplify it as well. The healthcare AI market is exponentially growing, and the services are becoming more popular, which means that ASAKA will be financially successful in any case in terms of the dynamics of its income. Nevertheless, becoming a part of a larger company that will be able to finance the development of the project will only increase the growth of the income. With the resources that Johnson & Johnson has, there is a possibility to expand further and create new products, with ASAKA being its subsidiary, which will result in financial benefits as well.


Therefore, Johnson & Johnson is suggested to buy ASAKA Inc. as it will result in positive financial and reputational outcomes. It is worth mentioning that it would perfectly align with the company’s values, goals, and strategy. The deal can be conducted with the help of our company to assure the correctness of all the processes regarding documentation and transactions. We can help the negotiation process as well and make sure that the acquisition will be completed fast and on the best terms for your company.

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