Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research

Kinja is software that operates as a news aggregator and provides an opportunity to find numerous reports targeted and the general public and presented such as blogs and articles from online newspapers. Any person has an opportunity to retell the information that is interesting to him/her and share it with others. Thus, it can be claimed that the reports found on this website can be used as a tertiary source.

My attention was attracted by the article that was presented by Djublonskopf (2014) under the name “Teeth reveal that Canadian dinosaurs knew how to share”. The author states that dinosaur teeth were examined by numerous professions for a long time, but one of the recent studies differs from its predecessors, as it used many teeth from many specimens. Having teeth of 76 individual dinosaurs, the scientists received an opportunity to consider multiple ecosystems (Mallon & Anderson, 2014). It was concluded that a lot of plant eaters existed in the same period within one particular territory.

However, “two different ankylosaurs, two different ceratopsians, and two different hadrosaurs, the megaherbivores of ancient Alberta” had no problems while interacting and got along with each other easily as they ate various types of plants that could be reached at different heights.

The scientists found out that ankylosaurs preferred soft plants and fruit. They had one of the most seasonally-varied diets, which was proved by the pitting of the tiny hard seeds. Ceratopsians preferred tough food, such as thick leaves and twigs that could be found lower than a meter off the ground. Hadrosaurs ate everything, including low-growing soft plants, sprouts, fruit, and twigs that they got from the highest location.

Even though these findings are not revolutionary, they reveal the information that was not discovered earlier.


Djublonskopf. (2014). Teeth reveal that Canadian dinosaurs knew how to share. Web.

Mallon, J., & Anderson, J. (2014). The functional and palaeoecological implications of tooth morphology and wear for the megaherbivorous dinosaurs from the dinosaur park formation (Upper Campanian) of Alberta, Canada. PLoS One, 9(6), e98605.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 10). Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research. https://studycorgi.com/kinja-as-a-tertiary-source/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research'. 10 March.

1. StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research." March 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kinja-as-a-tertiary-source/.


StudyCorgi. "Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research." March 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kinja-as-a-tertiary-source/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Evaluating Kinja’s Role as a Tertiary Source for Research." March 10, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/kinja-as-a-tertiary-source/.

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