Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area


Many criteria form successful leadership; however, preserving the position and ensuring modern solutions for the issues that may appear during the career is even more challenging. The essay explores two parts of the professional leader: technology as an aspect of development and interpersonal communication within the company. Both elements are crucial to maintaining a career; nevertheless, some peculiarities have to be answered.


The main focus of the statement is on technological development, which the leader would manage. Notably, this position is a bridge in the course transition and interaction. Such an approach is highly efficient in terms of work team organization. The other good point is made regarding communication between leaders and colleagues. The commitment of the future leader can increase not only the overall working atmosphere but also process indicators. However, networking skill is an integral part of the mentioned approach to professional communication, and the lack of networking can harm the leader’s perception among workers.

The essay mentions two strategies of lifelong learning and open communication implementation to create a solid ground for further developing a leader’s skills. The method of lifelong learning through Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) requires total commitment to the particular development field. Choosing one career path and maintaining a position through evolving practices is a significant move for the leader of responsibility that must be carefully thought through. Open communication, on the other hand, is a universal technique that can be successfully applied in various business areas; it is a promising start for every leader in the new collective.

Another essential point, I believe, is that the leader directly influences the workers’ professionalism, and the success of the area depends on the management of the subordinates. Besides active communication, I would like to incorporate the combination of cognitive and behavioral processes for overcoming problems and critical thinking inside the work team that involves learning on various levels. Hence, by shaping the collective professionalism in the specific field, I would increase the success rates in the business.


Therefore, the overall approach to leadership is precise and efficient. The personal skill of communication is universal in terms of the working environment, while the lifelong learning approach requires a total commitment from a leader. Nevertheless, in addition to communication, multilevel techniques should be applied to achieve better results in the area as a company head. The latter has to be closely examined and chosen according to the future leader’s abilities and interests.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, November 19). Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area. https://studycorgi.com/leaders-approach-to-the-changes-in-professional-speciality-area/

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StudyCorgi. (2023) 'Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area'. 19 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area." November 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leaders-approach-to-the-changes-in-professional-speciality-area/.


StudyCorgi. "Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area." November 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leaders-approach-to-the-changes-in-professional-speciality-area/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Leader’s Approach to the Changes in Professional Speciality Area." November 19, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/leaders-approach-to-the-changes-in-professional-speciality-area/.

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