Leadership Behavior and Healthy Work Environments

Leadership behaviors play a significant role in creating healthy work environments. According to Han et al. (2019), responsible behaviors among leaders are an instrumental factor that establishes and maintains healthy work environments. In their study that evaluated 384 participants in a different organization, Han et al. (2019) responsible leadership behavior has a positive correlation with organizational citizenship, autonomy, and internal and external environmental motivation. The authors indicate that autonomy, motivation, and commitment to organizational goals and objectives are some of the factors that show workers are enjoying a healthy working environment. Therefore, leaders should be responsible for their teams, guide them and address their needs to guarantee healthy work environments.

Leadership behaviors further help promote well-being for all workers regardless of their position. According to Inceoglu et al. (2018), leadership behaviors such as motivation significantly influence workers’ well-being, productivity, and the way they act. The authors note that leaders develop and implement policies that impact employees’ work behavior, performance, and well-being. The ways leaders effectively communicate these policies and guide workers during the implementation process are what ensure healthy working environments. The authors further equate well-being with job satisfaction, which is one of the important factors that define a healthy working environment.

Leadership style, discipline, and motivation are other factors vital to creating healthy work environments. Razak et al. (2018) evaluated how leadership style, motivation, and work discipline influence employees’ performance. Their findings indicate that leaders’ work discipline and motivation enhance the performance of the workers. Notably, disciplined leadership entails various factors, such as following set policies, focusing on goals and objectives, impartiality, and effective communication that are essential for a healthy work environment.

Description of Core Values

My core values are integrity, dependability, courage, respect, flexibility, assertiveness, and altruism. Integrity is about having strong moral principles and adhering to them regardless of where a person is or who is watching them. It is all about being honest and truthful in all aspects of life. This value is the most important to me because it positively influences my behaviors and interactions with others. Dependability involves being reliable and trustworthy in all aspects such as friendship, workplace, and family. Dependability allows me to fulfill whatever I say I will do at any given time and hold others and myself accountable. It can also help motivate others, creating a healthy work environment as noted by Han et al. (2019) and Razak et al. (2018). Courage is a quality that allows people to face difficulties head-on, stand firm for their beliefs and values, and speak for others and themselves. Being courageous helps me to do what is right even in challenging situations without fearing what others would think or say.

Respect means accepting others for who they are regardless of any difference that may exist. Respect helps me to establish a feeling of trust, well-being, and safety among those I interact with and promotes my effectiveness as a team player. Assertiveness is one’s ability to speak up for themselves respectfully and honestly. This value facilitates my capability to express myself effectively and stand up for my point of view while respecting the beliefs and perspectives of others.

Flexibility is a characteristic that defines the extent to which individuals can adjust to cope with unexpected changes in circumstances. Being flexible allows me to cope and deal with life changes even if they are challenging. Altruism involves a concern about the interests of others and a motivation to contribute to their wellbeing. This value enhances my happiness whenever I do something kind to people or help them to achieve what they want in their lives.

A Personal Mission and Vision Statement

Mission statement: To be honest, trustworthy, dependable, courageous, and assertive when relating and helping others accomplish their objectives and dealing with challenging life situations.

Vision statement: To be a leader my team and subordinates can trust and depend on me even in challenging situations to achieve their goals and objectives.

Clifton Strengths Assessment- Results Summary

My strengths as per the Clifton report are consistency, harmony, relator, achiever, and responsibility. The consistency indicates that I value an environment that upholds equality for all individuals. I am keenly aware that treating all people the same regardless of their life situation or status is vital. I do not welcome any favoritism because encourages individualism and selfishness, which can lead to inconsistency and unfair application of rules and relations with people. Harmony is essential to me since it helps people gain much in life. I focus on ensuring situations where everyone agrees because conflicts and frictions cause more harm than good. Although I acknowledge that people around me can have differing opinions, I always strive to find a common ground and save time wasted when trying to one’s views on others. Harmony is one of the fundamental guiding values that help to modify my objective to merge with others for a common good.

The relator aspect describes my attitude towards relationships, emphasizing that I prefer interacting with people I already to strangers. Close friends and relatives give me considerable pleasure and strength because I do understand their feelings, goals, fears, and dreams as they do mine. Genuine relationships are valuable to me because they promote trust. The achiever explains what drives me to accomplish more in life. My constant urge to achieve something tangible every day is s significant strength that makes me feel good about myself. The urge is an internal force that pushes me to do more to attain more, giving me the energy to work long hours without experiencing burnout. Equally, it helps me set goals and define levels of productivity. The responsibility theme pushes me to take psychological ownership for anything I commit to feeling emotionally determined to ensure its completion, which can be motivating to me and others. This theme aligns with Han et al. (2019) findings that responsible leaders motivate others, creating a healthy work environment. I believe that being responsible helps build and enhance my reputation by making me dependable.

Behaviors That I Wish to Strengthen and Plan to Achieve a Personal Vision

Accountability and self-motivation are vital behaviors I would wish to strengthen. Accountability involves the willingness to accept the consequences of one’s actions, knowing their limits, and being driven by outcomes. On the other hand, self-motivation drives an individual to take action to complete tasks. A plan to strengthen these behaviors will entail learning from doing well in these areas and researching different resources. These approaches will help me learn what I should do to be an exceptional accountable and self-motivated leader. I plan to accomplish my vision by upholding the highest level of integrity enhancing my flexibility and focusing on different approaches that I can employ to help other individuals achieve their goals and objectives. This way, team members will trust me and depend on me as an instrumental tool for promoting their well-being.


Han, Z., Wang, Q., & Yan, X. (2019). How responsible leadership motivates employees to engage in organizational citizenship behavior for the environment: A double-mediation model. Sustainability, 11(3), 1-13. Web.

Inceoglu, I., Thomas, G., Chu, C., Plans, D., & Gerbasi, A. (2018). Leadership behavior and employee well-being: An integrated review and a future research agenda. The Leadership Quarterly, 29(1), 179-202. Web.

Razak, A., Sarpan, S., & Ramlan, R. (2018). Effect of leadership style, motivation and work discipline on employee performance in PT. ABC Makassar. International Review Of Management And Marketing, 8(6), 67-71. Web.

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