Leadership and Organizational Culture: Keys to Consistent Profit


Leadership is a cornerstone for consistent profit production in both governmental and non-governmental organizations across the globe. Leaders with good interpersonal skills and innovative talents can initiate and propagate changes to meet both the customers’ demands and organizational goals. Despite having a good leadership, the institution involved should have a culture that governs the efficient and smooth running of its activities. This paper will cover how leadership in culture can bring about changes required to meet organizational demands.

Description of the Article and the Relationship between Orgnaizational Culture and Change

The article “Organizational culture, leadership, change, and stress” by Kets de Vries, Guillen, and Korotov (2013) provides a clear understanding of the importance of embracing culture in organizational change. The authors acknowledge the fact that firms have existing norms, values, and attitudes among other aspects that have developed over time. As a result, the implementation of any change calls for the assessment of the existing cultural environment with a view of implementing changes that align with it (Kets de Vries et al., 2013).

Leaders play a significant role in generating and maintaining an inevitable and oriented organizational culture transformation. The culture generated has a major impact on the economic performance and operational excellence (Frontiera, 2012). An excelling organization has an outstanding leadership, a tradition of values and culture, and appropriate strategies to thrive against their competitors, to survive the adverse economic environment, and efficiently exploit most of the prevailing opportunities at the local, national, and international levels.

The increasing demand for products in the market has led to an expanding number of companies across the globe (Kets de Vries et al., 2013). As a result, organizations consistently make changes to meet the requirements of their customers; hence, the development and expansion of businesses worldwide. The management team makes changes based on both the external and internal factors associated with the customer’s demands and the products produced by the company.

Many companies do not observe changes in a continuous process that are frequently required. Their leaders often see change as an event that might be needed at a certain point in response to arising needs in the business environment. In this respect, a new leadership skill and mentality regarding change is required (Frontiera, 2012). The leader has to gradually introduce the implemented changes to the employees through an adequate cultural model to allow them to accept the initiated changes over time. An organization’s vision is the perceived image of what an organization should be over a specified period (Kets de Vries et al., 2013). Moreover, it could be defined as the path that the organization has to go through to achieve its mission. Competent leaders crystallize all the information necessary to effect change and use their creative minds to translate various ideas into coherent, exciting, and achievable vision.

Motivation is an important element of leadership that installs and propels the enthusiasm of employees. Scientific research shows that leaders and managers of various organizations customize motivational aspects to ensure a stable balance between competence, task, and responsibility for the employee to carry out the objectives bestowed on them successfully. Additionally, the customized motivational elements ensure adequate material, spiritual, and moral rewards in a progressive system to maintain a coordinated environment necessary to achieve operational excellence.


A successful organization has both competent leaders and culture that enable efficient and effective operations. Change is brought about by the competitive environment instigated by the increasing number of companies across the globe. Successful induction of change depends on the quality of leadership and organizational culture implemented to initiate change.


Frontiera, J. (2012). Leadership and organizational culture transformation in professional sport. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 17(1), 71-86.

Kets de Vries, M., Guillen, L., & Korotov, K. (2013). Organizational culture, leadership, change, and stress. SSRN Electronic Journal, 2(13), 12-35.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, January 15). Leadership and Organizational Culture: Keys to Consistent Profit. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-in-culture-and-organizational-change/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Leadership and Organizational Culture: Keys to Consistent Profit." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-in-culture-and-organizational-change/.


StudyCorgi. "Leadership and Organizational Culture: Keys to Consistent Profit." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-in-culture-and-organizational-change/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Leadership and Organizational Culture: Keys to Consistent Profit." January 15, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-in-culture-and-organizational-change/.

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