Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation


This paper discovers submission criteria for the International Journal of Nursing Studies and proposes the article The Effect of Leadership Mentoring on Motivation of Nurses: A Mixed Study Approach. It reviews its content according to the publication guidelines and finds that leadership mentoring has an immense impact on motivation.

Research Project

For this project, I chose the International Journal of Nursing Studies, and it specializes in enhancing healthcare delivery in the country by discussing its organization and policies (Elsevier, 2017). Thus, one of the reasons for selecting this publisher is its high recognition in medicine. At the same time, the focus of the journal entirely complies with the topic of my article (leadership). A combination of these factors and a unique blend of theory and evidence-based practice define my desire to submit a research project to this journal and increase people’s awareness about the issues in nursing. As for submission criteria, there are concise, and the abstract has to be no longer than 400 words (Elsevier, 2017).

Thus, its main sections are title, “background”, “objectives”, “design”, “settings”, “participants”, “methods”, results”, and conclusions (Elsevier, 2017, para. 14). In the end, it also needs to have keywords in alphabetical order.

Research Steps


The Effect of Leadership Mentoring on Motivation of Nurses: A Mixed Study Approach


Nowadays, leadership plays a critical role in different life spheres, and nursing is not an exception. Thus, many nursing leaders do not provide enough mentoring to encourage and motivate the workforce. Consequently, the primary goal of this paper is to fill these gaps and underline the importance of mentoring and nurses’ motivation.


Consequently, the central objectives are: 1) find a connection between leadership mentoring and motivation of nurses, and 2) discover the opinions of nurses.


The research design is correlational, as it discovers a relationship between two variables (leadership mentoring – independent; motivation – dependent) while it is partly descriptive since it relies on the interviews to understand the opinions of nurses about the impact on mentoring on their motivation.


The research took place in Miami, FL, in hospital settings.


300 out of 445 nurses working in hospital settings in Miami took part in this research. Voluntary sampling was the key approach to select participants while their demographics were 23-60+ years old, both males (40%) and females (60%), and representatives of all races.


A mixed-methods approach is used. Questionnaires (300) with a Likert scale, discover the opinions of nurses in a quantitative way while the interviews (20) help unveil additional details. Linear regression analysis and descriptive statistics (correlation coefficient) are used to find a relationship between leadership mentoring (independent variable) and motivation (dependent variable).


The main result implies that there is a strong correlation (0.78) between the level of leadership mentoring and the degree of motivation among nurses. Meanwhile, nurses highly cherish the attention of the leader but also state that factors such as the working environment and atmosphere in the organization have a dramatic influence on their motivation.


The study discovers that there is a high connection between leadership mentoring and motivation of medical professionals, while nurses state that apart from that, working conditions and environment have a critical impact on their motivation and attitudes. These findings can be used as a basis for subsequent research and for the development of different mentoring programs to enhance the motivation of nurses.

Impact on Nursing Career

In conclusion, this research project will affect my nursing career positively. Firstly, it can attract the attention of authorities to this matter and increase investments in different leadership programs. Simultaneously, hospitals in Miami can also take this initiative and increase the motivation of nurses by offering support and mentorship. Overall, this research helps me enhance my working conditions and become a nursing professional who not only prioritizes patient-centered care but also seeks opportunities to advance the working environment of my co-workers.


Elsevier. (2017). Guide for authors. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, November 29). Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-mentoring-and-nurses-motivation/

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StudyCorgi. (2020) 'Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation'. 29 November.

1. StudyCorgi. "Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation." November 29, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-mentoring-and-nurses-motivation/.


StudyCorgi. "Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation." November 29, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-mentoring-and-nurses-motivation/.


StudyCorgi. 2020. "Leadership Mentoring’s Impact on Nurse Motivation." November 29, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/leadership-mentoring-and-nurses-motivation/.

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