Legalization of Marijuana in the US

The legalization of marijuana is one of the longest-running debates in the United States that has attracted public attention. This topic is related to the field of sociology as it has implications in various areas of society. From a sociological perspective, the use of marijuana and the debate about its legalization provide researchers with a basis for considering various trends in the development of society. Additionally, for sociological research, it is important to consider how various laws and regulations can be the result of the transformation of society or public interests. The legalization of marijuana should be expanded as a response to the needs of society, but limited in terms of age and amount.

Medical marijuana is now legal in many US states as a response to public needs. The legalization of marijuana may result in a reduction in crime rates, racial tension, higher tax revenues, new job opportunities, as well as better monitoring of traffic. However, the researchers note that the legalization of recreational marijuana causes an increase in its distribution among adolescents (Paschall et al. 104). This aspect in turn leads to more “cannabis-related motor vehicle accidents, emergency department visits, and hospitalizations” (Hammond et al. 221). Thus, it is important for marijuana legalization lobbyists to avoid conflicts of interest that could result from the negative effect of teens’ exposure to this product.

This initiative can have many positive effects, including reducing tension among various social and racial groups. Legalized marijuana can help de-stigmatize certain communities, which will generally have a positive effect on society. However, in order to monitor criminal trafficking of this product, it is also necessary to limit the amount of marijuana that is available to individuals. Under the conditions of the legalization of marijuana, it is necessary to control its distribution and sale in order to avoid the creation of criminal distribution.

Thus, there may be certain drawbacks associated with the legalization of marijuana, which requires attention to appropriate limitations. Laws and regulations should take into account the need for age and amount criteria when legalizing the use of this product. The uncontrolled legalization of marijuana is not the best solution, since various groups of society are affected differently. This step is necessary but must be accompanied by careful planning and research.

Works Cited

Hammond, Christopher, et al. “Cannabis Use Among U.S. Adolescents in the Era of Marijuana Legalization: A Review of Changing Use Patterns, Comorbidity, and Health Correlates.” International Review of Psychiatry, vol. 32, no. 3, 2020, pp. 221-234.

Paschall, Mallie, et al. “Recreational Marijuana Legalization and Use Among California Adolescents: Findings From a Statewide Survey.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, vol. 82, no. 1, 2021, pp. 103-111.

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