Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work

Atrium Health. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. Web.

Currency (C). Although the considered page does not indicate the date of its creation, there is evidence for suggestions about its recent update in 2021. The page contains the COVID Safety update, which shows an update not much time ago (Atrium Health, 2021). Hospital honors are also presented here, awarded according to estimates held in 2021.

Relevance (R). The source is valuable as a starting point for getting to know Levine Children’s Hospital. The web page is presented on the Atrium Health website – the network that manages the hospital and the page contains brief information about it. Moreover, the source offers many valuable references for further investigation. Links may be helpful for various stakeholders – patients, jobseekers, benefactors, and anyone who wants to know more about the hospital.

Authority (A). The page is created by the Atrium Health network, which operates hospitals in several states. The organization positions itself as a leader in patient care. Moreover, many hospitals, laboratories, nursing homes, and other institutions under their management are awarded and recognized. Atrium Health can therefore be seen as an authoritative source.

Bias (B). Since Levine Children’s Hospital is part of the Atrium Health network, the information that they present cannot be considered objective. Creating such content is close to advertising, as it is necessary to attract customers and investors to the hospital. However, official information provided by organizations is also crucial for the study of their activities.

U.S. News. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. U.S. News & World Report. Web.

Currency (C). U.S. News conducted its assessment less than a year ago – in 2021. Therefore, their information, conclusions, and ratings are relevant for research of Levine Children’s Hospital and its activities.

Relevance (R). To compile its rating, U.S. News (2021) estimates about 5,000 hospitals across the country and collects information about them. The web page offers ratings of the hospital’s work in various spheres, an equity rating, and even information about doctors. It is noteworthy that Levine Children’s Hospital occupies a leading position in several directions in pediatric care.

Authority (A). U.S. News & World Report is a media company that seeks to create independent reports and ratings useful for businesses and consumers. Their assessment is influential since it is recognized by the medical institutions themselves and affects the opinion of their clients. As a result, the source has authority and value for studying the topic.

Bias (B). Since U.S. News & World Report seeks to compile independent rankings, bias should not be on the web page. However, any source cannot be completely objective since the human factor is involved.

Hudson, C. (2021). How Levine Children’s Hospital is using three new robots to enhance patient care. Charlotte Business Journal. Web.

Currency (C). The article was published recently in 2021, reflecting current hospital’s work and can reveal details about its approaches.

Relevance (R). This article is of interest for the study as it demonstrates some features of Levine Children’s Hospital’s work. Based on the information provided in the source about robots’ application, one can assume the hospital’s desire to use innovation. Moreover, employees are creative, which is essential for working with children. Thus, the article reveals the hospital’s approaches to its functionality.

Authority (A). The Charlotte Business Journal is part of the significant publisher American City Business Journals (ACBJ), and it provides business news at Charlotte, where the hospital is located. Article’s author, Caroline Hudson, is responsible for health care coverage in the journal, suggesting her close collaboration with Levine Children’s Hospital. Articles in the news are crucial primary sources influencing an opinion about the topic.

Bias (B). News articles usually have a high risk of bias and display the author’s opinion. However, the source reviewed provides information about the hospital’s activity, not the position or belief, and is therefore not so biased.


Atrium Health. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. Web.

Hudson, C. (2021). How Levine Children’s Hospital is using three new robots to enhance patient care. Charlotte Business Journal. Web.

U.S. News. (2021). Levine Children’s Hospital. U.S. News & World Report. Web.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, March 9). Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work. https://studycorgi.com/levine-childrens-hospitals-work/

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1. StudyCorgi. "Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work." March 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/levine-childrens-hospitals-work/.


StudyCorgi. "Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work." March 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/levine-childrens-hospitals-work/.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "Levine Children’s Hospital’s Work." March 9, 2023. https://studycorgi.com/levine-childrens-hospitals-work/.

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