LGBT Populations and Health

In today’s world, there is so much in regards to sexuality. People have varied sexual behaviors and identities. Some of the categories that define the sexuality of a person include bisexuality, homosexuality, and trans-sexuality. People have moved from addressing Lesbianism, gayness, and bisexuality as alternatives. Today, people refer to lesbians, gays, and bisexuals as being natural. The same case applies to transgender Meyer, (2001). Although the issue of transgender is not being treated with the same intensity as lesbianism and being gay, it falls under the same category. There are special circumstances when these groups are assessed and or grouped. Such instances include research and special programs. When exploring the different societal priorities, standards of care, intervention programs, prevention programs, and special care, these groups are usually addressed as a single unit. One of the areas where this is evident is in regards to programs addressing the HIV/AIDS pandemic. This paper aims to analyze, summarize, and suggest ways through which the different health needs of the GLBT groups can be addressed Mule & Ross, (2009).

When addressing the health issues where minorities are involved, the LGBT population has been neglected in more than one instance. The researches being conducted overlook the different specifications presented by the LGBT group. The only way to counterattack this issue is through improvising and implementing strict anti-oppressive and anti-discrimination policies. There should also be a critical analysis on the issues that are present in the research involving the LGBT as the minority population. In the cases where this group is presented as being the minority, it is important to ensure that their grievances are addressed correctly. Discrimination against this group should also be done away with. There should be no room for the marginalization of people according to their gender identity. Many researchers have failed to attain the aim of their research through this bias. The marginalizing of the LGBT group causes bias in the course of any research. People should be encouraged to address the LGBT group in the same manner as other people so as to ensure the course of medical research and other research are on-course and effective. Ethics should be applicable to both groups. There should be no change in ethics due to changes in sexual identity or orientation Silka & Tellez, (2007).

One of the greatest health needs for the LGBT group is related to sex. This group needs efficient education on sex, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV/AIDS. This minority group is at a higher rate of transmission than the other group. For this reason, there is a need to educate this minority group on the effects, mode of transmission, and nature of sexually transmitted diseases. A special emphasis should be laid on HIV/AIDS. The LGBT group should be advised on ways through which it can avoid sexually transmitted diseases as well the way in which they should live in the event they are infected with the disease or any other sexually transmitted infection. This minority group needs to be educated on how they can live. It is also important to involve this group in the various discussions that take place in regards to sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases Dafoe, (2001). The part that the LGBT plays in the natural society in regards to sexuality and sexually transmitted diseases is so important that sidelining them only results in reduced efficiency of the studies and the programs.


Dafoe, G. H. (2001). CPHA commitment to the Canadian strategy on HIV/AIDS continues. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 92, 324.

Meyer, I. (2001). Why lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender public health? (2001). American Journal of Public Health, 91, 856-859.

Mule, N.L., Ross, L.E., Deeprose, B., Jackson, B.E., Daley, A., Travers, A. & Moore, D. (2009). Promotion LGBT health and wellbeing through inclusive policy development. international Journal for Equity in Health, 8:18.

Silka, L., Cleghorn, G.D., Grullon, M. & Tellez, T. (2007). Creating a community-based participatory research in a diverse community: a case study. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research, 5-16.

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