Library Overview: Structure, Services, and Facilities

Description of a library

Main ideas Specific information
Meaning of library Collection of sources of information
The physical appearance of a library A fenced story building with beautiful flowers around it.
Reading area It is cool with minimal movements. There were two main sections, i.e. for private and group studies. Also, there are small sections for print and non-print sources.
Library assistant technicians They are many library assistants. All of them were busy doing some tasks.
Librarian’s office It is neatly furnished with three chairs and a table.
Check-out desk Two assistant librarians are issuing books to readers.
Display area This has books and periodicals that are read by users.

Figure 1. A two-column log showing the summary of the library scene.

A library is a collection of various sources of information that are availed to a specific group of people for future reference. It could be a physical room or a virtual place. One can acquire a lot of information from it (Munger 56). It has different sections that are organized according to various subjects.

The library building is storied and tall, and a cool atmosphere typifies the surroundings. Outside the building, some flowers are neatly trimmed. They enhance the beauty of the structure. Many vehicles are parked outside the main building. There is a fence around the store and a beautifully colored gate. The resource center has a cool reading area that is used by visitors to study. Movements are minimal because everyone is busy studying in the section. Besides, there is a place for group studies. This is usually used by people to hold private discussions and meetings (Munger 57).

On the first floor, various printed sources of information are arranged neatly based on the information contained in the materials. There are library technicians who issue materials to people who have subscribed to digital library service. I can see that they are busy verifying and issuing library identification cards. The library assistants are in white uniforms, which have red labels. The second floor has non-print sources of information, which are arranged neatly in the room. Some technicians have excellent skills in the use of computers computer. They are assisting readers to operate computers. Besides, they are sending information to those who have subscribed to the digital library service. An area meant for research is just above the computer room. In this section, some people are researching computers that are designed for that purpose.

The office of the librarian is arranged in a very good manner (Coyle 5). It is furnished with three seats for visitors, the librarian’s seat, and a table. Some records are kept on the shelves for all resources in the library and those that get lost. The checkout desk has two library assistants who help those who wish to borrow resources. Documents are well organized. There is a reading area that has a lady who is helping users to sign at the time of entering and leaving the building. The library has a display area where books and periodicals are displayed neatly (Coyle 8). I can note that new resources are kept here so that readers can access them easily.

Works cited

Coyle, Karen. “Library data in a modern context.” Library Technology Reports 46.1 (2010): 5-10. Print.

Munger, David. 80 Readings for Composition. 2nd ed. 2006. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. Print.

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