Little Speech of Liberty and Mayflower Compact


Conservatism is a social and political philosophy which aims at retaining traditions. It aims to pursue justice and freedom. A conservative is a person who follows conservatism philosophies. Classical conservatism is practiced by organic society where equality of the people is not such a necessity. The conservatives believe strongly in the stability of the society and the state. The laws and order are followed, and traditions and customs are essential in the society. The society in the classical conservatism has hierarchy layers where the elite rules and the noble oblige.

Classical liberalism is that belief in liberty. It advocates for civil liberties and political freedom. Classical liberalism is where people have the rights the role of the government is to protect this rights. It advocates for free market and respect for personal properties.


Mayflower Compact is a letter written by the pilgrims, new Plymouth settlers to King James and the government of England. Pilgrims are a small number of people who want to come together and form a government. Pilgrims are requesting to be allowed to make their own government with religious and political freedom. The compact is a democratic document with the majority signing.

The pilgrims wanted remain together in a ‘civil body politic’ for their better preservation and ordering. They wanted to retain their traditions through coming together to form a colony. The statement illustrates the ‘classical conservation’ nature of the people. The pilgrims value most the stability of the society, and they are determined to join to preserve it.

The pilgrims are respectful to the king in this letter. They are not rebelling and also promise complete submission and obedience (American museum of Pilgrims Possesion, 2012). They address the king as the ‘dread sovereign lord’ and ‘the defender of faith’. This illustrates the hierarchy layers in the society where they are elites and nobles. It shows the privileges and respect the elites have as it the case in the classical liberalism.

The Mayflower Compact, however express a liberal idea by stating that they will make constitution, acts and laws which are equal. The clause means all the people in the society will be treated equally. This is liberalism where all the people in the society have equal rights (John).

The Little Speech is a speech by John Winthrop to the magistrate after he was accused of exceeding his powers during a local election. There were concerns that the magistrate were exercising too much power which was endangering the people’s liberty. Winthrop explains the meaning of liberty and right of the people to do right or wrong according to their moral principles. He states there are two types of liberty, the natural and the civil liberty. Winthrop defines natural liberty as the ability to do good or evil. He observes that most people will tend to do the evil deeds as they have this freedom.

Winthrop speaks of submission to the authority. This is both in the government and social life as in the case of marriage. Civil liberty according to Winthrop is exercised through subjection to the authority. The subjection includes that of wife to her husband. A woman is to choose her lord and be subject to him. Winthrop does not discuss equality in the social places and family and shows strong value for stability. The speech by Winthrop expresses classical conservatism, which pays little attention is to equality and shows strong value for stability. The stability is achieved through subjection to authority that includes husbands at home. Winthrop describes natural liberty as ‘inconsistent’ and ‘incompatible’ with authority. This expresses his strong dislike of people freedom to do as they wish as is the case with natural liberty.


The Little Speech of Liberty and the Mayflower Compact expresses the practice of classical conservatism in the society. They both value to the stability of the society. Winthrop in the Little Speech of Liberty emphasizes on the need for subjection to the authority and to God. The pilgrims request to stay together so as to protect their customs and traditions in the mayflower compact. The Mayflower Compact is flexible on conservatism and promise to make equal laws.


American museum of Pilgrims Possesion. (2012). Web.

John, W. (n.d.). Little Speech on Liberty. Web.

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