Religion’s Role in Politics and Secular Law Debates

In the present age, many people of different faiths are trying to define the relationship between the sacred and the secular or religion and politics. Please answer the following questions

Is it wrong for those who believe a law or regulation is contrary to God’s will to oppose it?

The freedom of opinion and religion is guaranteed by the majority of constitutional regimes in line with the rule of law in effect every individual bears a right to belong and associate with any such belief or religion as long as it does not interfere with the rights and enjoyment of others rights. Due to the diversity and extremity in the religious canons and provisions there occurs a conflict of interest between the otherwise secular law and religion.

This, therefore, implies that the individual is faced with a choice of evils between contravening the law and contravening God’s teaching. The solution to this controversy has often fallen in civil obedience since the law is the supreme law of the land. This doesn’t however deter an individual from opposing it as long as such opposition does not infringe on the interests of others.

Is it wrong for people of faith to support candidates whom they see as supporting laws consistent with their view of God’s will?

In a strict sense, there exists a slim margin of co-existence between the secular and religious front. The margin is motivated by tolerance and respect for the common law be it secular or religious-oriented political standards are however different and should be treated as such. One should not make political judgments based on religious decisions alone.

What is the role if any, of religion in politics?

Religion plays an important role in politics. It acts as the moral guardian of religion and supervises the political proponents to ensure that they maintain a morally objective approach to societal affairs. It, therefore, maintains a close link between law and morals despite the wide gap. It acts to mediate the inconsistencies and inefficiencies of politics and offers an alternative belief to politics. Religion also acts as a watchdog and critic of politics where politics are considered to fail.

Read these eight “Beatitudes” and then answer the following questions

Read these verses carefully and provide a general explanation for what you think these verses are saying

The verses provide a sharp contrast of societal values that a religious person should bear. They prescribe the tone and attitude that a believer should have towards the achievement of the higher calling, the person who is greatest is the least, and therefore the secular definition of wealth success and achievement is different from the religious definition of the same. The verse maintains that an individual’s humility is a fundamental and necessary requirement in a religiously upright way of life.

Explain how these (use examples from the passage) blessings exemplify the Christian doctrine of love

The Christian doctrine of love is based on the concept of compassion and the individual ability to appreciate themselves and others. The blessed ones are those who are merciful for the fairness of religion will offer them an equal measure of mercy. The aspect of love in the Christian definition involves selflessness and cleanliness of the heart. In this same measure, the blessed are those whose hearts are pure for they are to be rewarded with a chance to see God. Love is about being friendly and therefore the piece makers are promised a chance to be called children of God.

How do these verses answer the question: What kind of people should we be?

The ultimate goal of Christianity is to live a sacred and pure life in the same manner that Christ Jesus did. The verses, therefore, prescribe the mannerisms and the character that one should have in order to achieve these objectives. We are expected to be humble and empty at heart in order to find space to receive the grace of God. We are motivated to embrace suffering and persevere with the promise of consolation. We are also expected to remain merciful and poor at heart for the chance to see God and secure our status as children of God.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, March 12). Religion’s Role in Politics and Secular Law Debates.

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StudyCorgi. "Religion’s Role in Politics and Secular Law Debates." March 12, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Religion’s Role in Politics and Secular Law Debates." March 12, 2021.

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