Livonia’s Constitutional Reform: Presidential System Analysis


The present situation presents a new opportunity for Livonia to create and promulgate a new constitution that will make it democracy and continue to meet the needs of its population. The first government has resolved to make Livonia successful, create a vibrant market economy, and promote effective leadership. A special panel comprised of experts on political and constitutional matters is focusing on a presidential system of government. The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed discussion on the best option that can support Livonia’s goals and eventually meet the needs of its citizens.


Several attributes or aspects are critical when analyzing the effectiveness of a given system of government formulation. For the case of Livonia, these issues will be taken into consideration: presidential term limits, how the president is appointed or elected, the passage and enactment of bills into laws, election cycle, the number of years for every established government, the formulation of parliament, and the representation model (Donovan and Karp 472). After considering these attributes, it can be possible to identify the most appropriate option or strategy to ensure that Livonia becomes more democratic and capable of empowering its citizens to achieve their potential.

When the constitution has a limit to presidential terms, the government will be stable and capable of supporting the needs of the citizens. The way the parliament and the president pass laws is a critical attribute of every democratic state. This happens to be the case since every policy or constitutional amendment can have significant implications on the lives and experiences of the people. The nature of representation dictates whether the people receive timely resources and support or not (Ginsberg 34). The use of these features will make it easier for the panel of experts to choose the best option and adopt it to deliver the intended national goals.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The first option proposed by the team of experts is founded on the concepts of a presidential system of government. There are specific features that make it appropriate for this country. The first strength is that the president will be elected by the plurality rule whereby the person who gets the most votes will become the country’s leader. This means that the citizens will have an opportunity to get the best leader. The second one is that the leader will only serve terms of four years.

This model allows for re-election, thereby empowering the people to choose another person or retain the current one depending on their expectations. The third strength arises from the allocated number of parliamentary seats (Ginsberg 39).

The suggested number of 350 members is appropriate since they will maximize representation. The fourth one is that both the president and the parliament are empowered to make laws. The parliament will legislate and pass bills into laws for the second time if the president fails to sign them for the first time. The fifth strength is that the elections for both the president and the members of parliament will be held on the same day after every four years. This option means that Livonia’s economic activities will not be disrupted for long.

However, some weaknesses can make this choice inappropriate. The first one is that the president can be elected as many times as he or she likes. This option is capable of encouraging people to bribe and even manipulate the final results (Ginsberg 43). The result is that the country’s citizens will not receive high-quality services and support. The second one is that the person with more votes than the others will automatically become Livonia’s president. This approach can create a situation whereby an unpopular person becomes this country’s leader (Donovan and Karp 476). Additionally, some people can collude to present their candidatures in an attempt to disorient the final results.

The second system of government has several strengths based on the above criteria. Firstly, the president is elected using a two-round majoritarian model. This means that the winner will be the people’s favorite choice. Secondly, the president is only allowed to serve a single term of six years without the option of re-election. This becomes a new opportunity for the people to get a new leader, thereby minimizing the chances of an authoritarian regime. Thirdly, the parliament is empowered to bass bills into law even if the president declines them. This strategy becomes critical for the separation of powers. However, there are specific weaknesses with the model (Ginsberg 71).

Firstly, the decision to have 200 members of parliament is not appropriate. This is true since most of the people will lack adequate representation. Secondly, the idea to have parliamentarians elected after four years and the president after sixty years will result in two election cycles. The interpretation is that the government will be forced to spend more funds that can be used to meet the needs of the citizens.

Selected Choice and Suggested Change

From the above analysis and discussion, it is evident that the second choice or option appears to be the best for this country. This is true since it allows the people of Livonia to select a popular person as the president. Such an approach minimizes the chances of getting a leader whose ideas and strategies do not resonate with their expectations or challenges (Jones et al. 23). The presence of term limits makes it impossible for any person to become a dictator or influence the outcome of future elections (Ginsberg 67). With these aspects, it is agreeable that such an option will become the best tool for guiding Livonia to realize its goals and eventually become a true democracy.

The single change that can be considered to improve this choice is allowing the president to run for two four-year terms without renewal. This means that the individual will not have to lead the country for six years. The president will also have to be re-elected if only he or she is capable of meeting the expectations of the people. When two terms are presented or considered, chances are high that every leader will have enough time to deliver high-quality services and empower the people to realize their potential (Ginsberg 83). With such a provision in place, those who want to emerge victoriously will have to work hard and ensure that their policies, ideas, and propositions will leave the country a better place for all.

When the term is reduced to four years, it will be possible for both members of parliament and the president to be elected on the same day. Such a proposal will reduce the government’s expenses and ensure that the country’s economic activities are not disrupted. The people will also have the power to elect a new person if the incumbent fails to take this country in the right direction (Ginsberg 65). This change will support this objective and eventually make Livonia a democratic republic. The result is that the country will achieve the outlined economic aims and empower its people to lead high-quality lives.

Political Party System

The presented option for Livonia is capable of creating the best environment for political parties and systems to emerge and thrive. This is the case since such organizations are influential and present evidence-based ideas for supporting the realization of democratic and economic goals. The absence of parties in a given country can result in authoritarianism due to the absence of adequate checks and balances (Cartledge 42).

The most likely political party system that is expected to develop in Livonia is that of the multi-party model. This outcome is possible when several parties arise that have enough resources and ideas to win elections and take full control of the government (Ginsberg 72). They can achieve this aim by campaigning independently or joining coalitions with other ones to maximize their strengths and eventually achieve their goals.

The suggested system of governance will allow the people to vote for their best candidate to become president and serve for four years. Due to the nature of the election cycle, more parties will arise since the structure allows the people to change leaders and select new ones who can address their demands (Ginsberg 92). With this kind of model, Livonia will continue to witness more parties that have diverse opinions, ideas, policies, and manifestos. This strategy will become a new opportunity for these citizens to make desirable choices and eventually achieve their goals.

The concept of a multiparty system appears to be the most preferable for Livonia. This is true since the model will create a scenario whereby the president of the day is criticized by the leaders of other parties for not doing what is right. The people will also be empowered to choose specific groups or leaders whose agendas and manifestos are more admirable or capable of delivering positive economic results.

The system will also make it impossible for any single party to pursue or promote dictatorial policies that have the potential to affect the experiences and welfare of the people (Ginsberg 93). When this system is allowed to thrive, the parliament will be comprised of members from different parties or affiliations. The projected outcome is that bills will be opposed if they are not aimed at empowering or supporting different citizens.

Why the Selected Option is the Best for Livonia

The second option has been identified as the most appropriate for Livonia after considering the targeted goals and the current problems most people face. The proposed change is to have a president who serves for two terms and is elected every four years. Coupled with the other aspects of this choice, this country will be on the right path towards achieving its democratic goals. This is the case since the president will not have the power to become autocratic.

This means that any person who has similar intentions will eventually be voted out by the people. Such a model will make it possible for the people to elect parliamentarians who can represent them and have their concerns addressed promptly (Ginsberg 29). Such politicians will have to belong to specific parties. This kind of arrangement will ensure that bills and laws are passed effectively without allowing one arm of government to amass more power.

The selected choice will go further to create enabling conditions for the formation of more political parties. Such groups or organizations have always remained useful in controlling or holding leaders of the day accountable. They can voice their arguments and dissatisfactions whenever things are not being done right. These initiatives will compel every president to act accordingly, introduce or support ideas that favor the country’s citizens, and accept bills that can take Livonia from point A to B.

The suggested two-term limits will ensure that every president gets adequate time to accomplish his or her goals (Ginsberg 65). This opportunity will only be available to leaders who perform positively and focus on the challenges many people continue to face. These attributes make the identified option and change appropriate for making this country more democratic and supporting the intended economic objectives.


The above discussion has identified the second option of the recommended presidential systems of government as the best for Livonia. The reason for supporting it is because it has unique provisions that empower the people to elect a president who serves for a specific period without renewal, allow members of parliament to represent the people, and reduce chances of Livonia becoming a dictatorship. The suggested recommendation or change will make it easier for all presidents and politicians to engage in positive actions and activities that will eventually make this country a successful democracy.

Work Cited

Cartledge, Paul. Democracy: A Life. Oxford University Press, 2016.

Donovan, Todd, and Jeffrey Karp. “Electoral Rules, Corruption, Inequality and Evaluations of Democracy.” European Journal of Political Research, vol. 56, no. 3, 2017, pp. 469-486.

Ginsberg, Benjamin. Presidential Government. Yale University Press, 2016.

Jones, Bryan D., et al. “Democracy, Authoritarianism, and Policy Punctuations.” International Review of Public Policy, vol. 1, no. 1, 2019, pp. 7-26.

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