Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care Theory

The theory of culture care developed by Madeiene Leininger can have profound implications for the work of many nurses and other healthcare professionals. It is critical to examine the way in which the so-called called meta-paradigm concepts are described within this framework. In particular, one should pay close attention to such notions as person, nursing, environment, and health since they guise the strategies of healthcare organizations. Moreover, it is necessary to show how these concepts are related. On the whole, one can say that this theory sets new standards of performance for medical workers who need to consider the way in which a person perceives such notions as health or wellbeing. These are the main questions that should be discussed more closely.

This theory is based on the premise that the work of nurses should be consistent with the cultural values, beliefs, and practices of a person (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2010, p. 94). This emphasis on culture is important for improving the quality of care. In turn, this framework provides specific definitions of the notions that are critical for the work of nursing. At first, one should mention that such a concept as person can be applied to a human being, social group, family, community, and even institution (Masters, 2014, p. 68). Therefore, medical workers should consider those external factors that influence the behavior of person. Much attention should be paid to the notion of health which can be described as the state of well-being as it is described in a particular culture (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2010, p. 95). Therefore, nurses and medical workers should consider the worldviews of the patient while providing healthcare to this individual. This theory also implies that healthcare professionals cannot use a single definition of health since it is determined by a specific cultural background of a patient (Leininger, 1990). This is one of the main details that should be taken into account.

Furthermore, the supporters of this theory lay stress on the concept of the environment which is defined as the set of physical, sociopolitical, ecological, and cultural factors influencing the worldviews of a person and his/her behavior (Andrews & Boyle, 2008; Leininger, 1990). These factors can signficantly affect the way in which a person experiences illness. Moreover, they influence their decisions about health and lifestyles. Finally, nursing can be viewed as those activities which are aimed at supporting the needs of patients in a way that is consisting with his/her cultural values or beliefs (Masters, 2014, p. 68). These are the main elements that can be distinguished. Overall, they shape the practices of many nurses, especially if they work with people representing different cultures. Under such circumstances, Madeleine Leininger’s theory can be particularly useful.

This theory implies that meta-paradigm concepts are related with one another in a specific way. First, this theory is based on the culturally-determined notion of health because it can be used for identifying the goals of medical workers. In turn, nursing activities should be adjusted to the cultural beliefs of a patient (Parker, 1993). This requirement means that healthcare workers should focus on the need the environment of a person since it influences his/her perceptions of health and illness. These connections between meta-paradigm concepts shape the daily work of nurses. These are the main aspects that can be distinguished.

Reference List

Andrews, M., & Boyle, J. (2008). Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care. New York, NY: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Leininger, M. (1990). Ethical and Moral Dimensions of Care. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press

Masters, K. (2014). Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Parker, M. (1993). Patterns of Nursing Theories in Practice. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Sitzman, K., & Eichelberger, L. (2010). Understanding the Work of Nurse Theorists: A Creative Beginning. New York, NY: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

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