Marijuana: Limitations of Individualistic Explanations

Marijuana is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. However, given the effects that the drug has on the individuals who use it users and the people who surround them (the society), the use of marijuana has been made illegal in most countries in the world. However, there are exceptional cases where the use of the drug is permitted. Medicinal Marijuana is one of these expectations. Due to its wide use and the fact that the drug is addictive, several studies have been undertaken by scholars to have a deeper understanding of marijuana. Most of these studies have mainly focused on the behaviors that result in an individual’s because of using the drug. These studies have mainly been based on the deviant theory (Becker 235). However, while many studies focus on the characteristics that marijuana users display, it has always been difficult to specifically tie a given behavior to the use of marijuana. This is because the development of behavior in an individual relies on several socio-cultural factors that lead to the acquisition, conception, and, perception of behavior (Becker 235). This has thus proved to be a major setback on studies that have used the deviant approach.

Understanding a Marijuana User

The above limitation has results of studies that have focused on marijuana users to be somewhat difficult. However, Becker (1953) came up with an approach that would solve this problem (235). According to Baker (1953), three essential factors determine whether an individual shall end up using marijuana for pleasure (235). First, an individual need to learn how to smoke the drug in a manner that it is supposed to be smoked. When marijuana is smoked wrongly, there are high chances that a novice user shall not feel the effects of the drug. This might reduce the chances of him/her using the drug for pleasure. In addition to this, a novice user needs to understand and recognize the effects that arise because of using the drug. At this point, the user needs to relate these effects to the use of the drug. This ensures that the user realizes that he/she has become high as a result of smoking the drug. If a user fails to recognize these symptoms, he/she may not realize whether he/she is high and this may stop the use of the drug for pleasure. Finally, a novice user needs to learn how to enjoy the effects that have come up because of using the drug. If a user fails to enjoy the effects of smoking the drug, he/she may stop using it. This is because a user may feel better off without the drug hence stopping using it for pleasure in the long run. Putting all this into consideration, it is easy for health practitioners to understand and determine the behavior exhibited by individuals who smoke marijuana for pleasure.

Challenges and Values of the Argument

This theory is valuable as it brings a deep of understanding of the factors that may have led to the usage of marijuana for pleasure by an individual hence determining the resultant changes in behavior. This will increase the ease at which results from the studies conducted on marijuana users can be generalized. However, the application of this concept is difficult. This is because it is tedious and requires responsive subjects that are difficult to find in most cases.


The main goal of most studies that have been conducted in the field of public health is to increase the awareness, identification, and self-control of health conditions by individual member the society. This is the main aim of health promotion. Thus, the study presented by Becker (1953) brings a clear understanding of the factors and steps that might have led different individuals to use marijuana for pleasure. With this information, it is easier to understand their behavior and control their activities and the impacts they have on themselves and society.


Becker, Howard. “Becoming a Marihuana User.” American Journal of Sociology 59.3 (1953): 235-242. Print.

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