Markers of Roman Virtue in Western Civilization

The value of the Roman Republic was seen as the virtuous life of every Roman. Although the qualities are not clearly stated in historical sources, one can understand the basic values ​​from the general impression of ancient monuments of art. The development of understanding of the concepts of virtue and the past makes it possible to better trace history and incorporate the achievements of ancestors into modern life. Identity, which could manifest itself in various forms, was considered the main component of Roman virtue.

Identity is an important aspect of the human psyche, the need to find means of expression that would emphasize belonging to a particular social group. One of the main ways of expressing identity for the Romans was the display of the physical body. In order to pose themselves in the world in a specific way, the Romans used special clothes, cosmetics and hairstyles. Different identities were demonstrated through the generally accepted symbolism of clothing. For example, Ovid emphasizes the importance of black attire during funeral ceremonies as a means of expressing religious identity (Ovid 124). With the help of clothes, one could understand gender, ethnic and religious affiliation, age and social status. According to external markers, individual identity and compliance with the status of an ideal Roman were assessed.

A Roman could demonstrate their social status not only during the life itself, but also after the death. The second component of Roman identity can be considered how the Romans desired their posthumous image. Funeral bas-reliefs are indicative; they were erected by people of different social statuses, from slaves to artisans. These monuments signalized how the dead would have liked to be precepted during life. Cicero argues that if the soul survives after death, it would be most noble to covet posthumous glory (Cicero 238). The Romans wanted to be remembered after death, left in history, in accordance with their lifetime position. Funerary bas-reliefs offered to accurately determine the representative of what social class and status was buried here.

The Romans gave great importance to life after death, but earthly existence should have been marked by virtuous activities, such as work for the good of society. Many wealthy Romans were involved in the political life of the polis. According to the Roman proverb, “obligatio est iuris vinculum”, obligations are the foundation of law (Frier 14). Being a responsible citizen is virtuous because it contributes to the preservation of order. Therefore, self-presentation and expression of identity could be directly manifested through political statements and involvement. Public speaking or defending the actions of a politician could allow the Roman to show his high position and present himself as a worthy citizen of the policy.

The bringing of certain values can signal what period of its development a particular society or nation is going through. Significance of self-identity was emphasized from the beginning of the Roman Empire until the beginning of the third century, when the empire began to expand, taking on various cultural influences. The manifestation of identity during this period is especially important, since this is a time of great territory gains and great losses. Culture expanded, absorbed new trends, and it was especially important to show identity in order to preserve the roots and demonstrate adherence to Roman ideals. In troubled and difficult times, a person is especially drawn to demonstrating their own origins and belonging, so self-identification for the Romans becomes of key importance during this period. The same can be said about the modern world, in which the understanding and expression of identity plays an important role.

Identity was a marker of Roman virtue, since it offered to demonstrate true commitment to Roman ideals, to show the dignity of a citizen of the polis. In the modern world, the manifestation of identity can also be a manifestation of pride and responsibility for the place of one’s origin or life. However, in modern society, the concept of identity is interpreted in a broader sense, remaining an aspect adopted from the Romans and characterizing the very thinking of Western civilization. Identity, belonging to a certain category of citizens is especially important in times when the world society is in crisis. People tend to strive to unite in the face of common threats. However, in the modern Western world, identity has become a significant part of not only a unifying factor, but also a manifestation of personal value. Awareness of oneself, one’s past and present play a significant role in the formation of personality. The value of identity is an undoubted marker of the entire Western civilization, a unifying component that emphasizes the value of each individuality.

Thus, identity is one of the basic Roman virtues during a significant historical period. Identity could manifest itself both in appearance: clothing, jewelry, perfume, funerary decorations, as well as in actions that define a responsible Roman citizen. With the help of these manifestations, the Romans could clearly indicate their gender, age, position both during life and after it ended. The expression of identity took on particular importance during the vast imperial conquests, when cultures interpenetrated each other and a clear distinction was required to preserve their own uniqueness. The desire of people for self-expression that demonstrates identity has survived through the centuries and has become an integral part of the concept of Western civilization. Currently, the concept of identity has become more extensive and associated with the aspect of the value of both the community and the individual.

Works Cited

Cicero Marcus Tullius. On Life and Death. United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 2017.

Frier, Bruce W. A Casebook on the Roman Law of Contracts. United States, Oxford University Press, 2021.

Ovid. Fasti Book 3. India, Cambridge University Press, 2019.

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