Marketing of Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria

Review of the Course

Initially, it is necessary to present a plan for the services offered to evaluate the services provided quickly. Briefly describe why you think people need your product or service and the goals and aspirations for providing it (Fidm, 2014). The film school should implement the first systematic training program in the main professions of cinema and animation. In the end, information about the successful results of the course participants and their achieved goals is provided.

Why Study Cinema and Animation

It should consider current trends in creating a product or offer of service that the organization focuses on. For example, computer graphics are developing rapidly, and it is no longer possible to imagine a blockbuster without complex visual effects. This factor should also be considered to build an actual course for consumers. Students should be encouraged to get acquainted with the basic skills of 3D animation get the first knowledge of animation of characters and objects (Yoon, 2015). Therefore, the school should focus on courses covering all the important basics and basic knowledge to build a solid foundation for further growth (Zeiser, 2015).

Who is it for

To identify its potential audience, the school must focus on the needs of the consumers (Anshari, Almunawar, Lim and Al-Mudimigh, 2019). The school can offer programs and courses for those who want to work in the film industry to study various aspects of film, animation and production. The purpose of the course is to prepare professionals who can apply the acquired skills after graduation (Jackson, 2014). In the case of cinema, this means creating 3D animation, setting complex shots and telling a story using all possible visual techniques. The course program should include:

  • Maximum practice.
  • A study of the theory of cinema and animation.
  • Joint work with other students of the school (Baker, 2016).

It is also necessary to emphasize why clients need to choose the courses offered, emphasizing the benefits (Kotler, 2016). An important and distinguishing feature of the course can be great attention to the construction of the frame, the movement, and the interaction of characters in space (Popli & Rizvi, 2015). The totality of this knowledge allows you to create complex and spectacular shots that surprise and inspire the viewer.

How is it Going

For a better presentation by customers of the profitability of choosing the services offered, a brief overview of the process of interaction between the producer and the consumer should be described (Išoraitė, 2016). For example, the course will ultimately help the modern film director move from pre-production to post-production and directing skills. One-on-one interactive learning with instructors gives students great access to today’s industry (Išoraitė, 2016). The tutorial starts with the basics of cinematography, including setting exposure, getting coverage, creating more powerful camera movements, and using three-point lighting effectively. Teachers will help to learn the production process from pre-production to post-production.

What Will It Give Me

For consumers to understand the benefits of the acquired skills, their needs should be analyzed (Barrow et al., 2021). It is necessary to visualize the students’ goals that were formed earlier as a result of the audience analysis (Barrow et al., 2021). For example, students are required to complete at least a 3-month internship with any of our accredited media outlets, independent producers and broadcasters after graduation. In this way, students gain first-hand experience while working under the guidance of industry professionals. In the future, this will help graduates fulfil themselves in cinematography and animation, continuing to develop and improve their skills.


An important stage for developing a successful startup is its promotion, for example, launching advertising or creating your website. A personal website forms an opinion about the company, attracts customers, informs them about products, helps find partners and investors, stimulates sales and helps to automate them (Chaffey & Ellis-Chadwick, 2019). Advertising is necessary for sales growth and attracting investments, and, accordingly, for the company’s growth (Bala & Verma, 2018). Given the location, prices, and average population income, it is necessary to choose the right promotion strategy. These can be ads in newspapers, TV, radio or social media.


Avant Tecno Nigeria used a successful business promotion strategy similar to the one provided above. For successful promotion, they created a personal company website with contacts and gave a brief description of the business and services provided. Considering customers’ needs, Avant Tecno has developed its market in Nigeria since 2004 (Avanttecnonigeria, 2022). Another successful business strategy implementation example is Ai Multimedia Academy, which focuses on blended learning (Ai Multimedia Academy). Considering current events in the world, the academy has developed an up-to-date strategy for attracting consumers. Its website also provides brief information about each program, describes the learning processes and the results of passing educational programs. Thus, the successful presentation of the product or services provided contributes to the rapid and successful development of the business. In addition, drawing up a marketing plan will help facilitate the development of any line of business. There are different methods that can be applied depending on the specialization of the service provider, yet there is a general structure.

Reference List

Ai Multimedia Academy. (n.d.). Web.

Anshari, M., Almunawar, M., Lim, S. and Al-Mudimigh, A., 2019. Customer relationship management and big data enabled: Personalization & customization of services. Applied Computing and Informatics, 15(2), pp.94-101.

Avanttecnonigeria. 2022. [online] Web.

Baker, M. J. (2016). The marketing book. Butterworth Heinemann.

Bala, M., & Verma, D. (2018). A Critical Review of Digital Marketing. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), 321–339. Web.

Barrow, C., Barrow, P., & Brown, R. (2021). The business plan workbook: A step-by-step guide to creating and developing a successful business. Kogan Page.

Chaffey, D., & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2019). Digital Marketing. Pearson.

Fidm, D., 2014. Sostac: The guide to the perfect digital marketing plan. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 16(2), pp.146-147.

Išoraitė, M. (2016). Marketing mix theoretical aspects. International Journal of Research, 4(6), 25–37. Web.

Jackson, D., 2014. Employability skill development in work-integrated learning: Barriers and best practice. Studies in Higher Education, 40(2), pp.350-367.

Kotler, P. (2016). Marketing. Pearson Australia.

Yoon, H., 2015. Globalization of the animation industry: multi-scalar linkages of six animation production centers. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 23(5), pp.634-651.

Zeiser, A., 2015. Transmedia Marketing. CRC Press.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Marketing of Cinematography and Animation Courses in Nigeria." June 8, 2023.

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