Optimizing Customer Experience with Effective Marketing Strategies


First of all, it is necessary to point out that meeting the extremely high demands of the increasingly competitive market depends upon a variety of marketing strategies companies rely on. Customer satisfaction is recognized to be of particular concern, as it affects the profitability of a wide range of industries. This report is devoted to the impact of service quality on customer satisfaction, as both variables are considered to be closely interdependent and determine the market’s competitive advantage.

Keeping in mind the experiences of many marketing firms, one can conclude that consumer expectations of quality are important for business survival. Customers’ behavioral intentions are determined by the services several organizations offer. To manage consumer decision-making, it is necessary to investigate all the constituents of marketing strategies in detail. Thus, “examining only one variable at a time may confound the understanding of consumer decision-making and this may lead to inappropriate marketing strategies” (Cronin et al. 2000).

Positive experiences

Dietary Cure Center

As far as healthy food improves the quality of people’s lives, I have decided to become familiar with the basic diet theories, to find the most appropriate eating practice. Three weeks ago I came to a dietary cure center and asked a dietarian to help me choose the most effective diet. Mr. Smith offered me to consider the Okinawan eating practice, the macrobiotic diet, and the Ayurveda diet. He informed me about the pros and cons of each eating practice and insisted on medical examination to determine what dietary habits I should follow.

The examination lasted four days. During these days, the dietarian was providing me with detailed information on the chosen eating practices. Mr. Smith was deeply interested in my health improvement and explained to me both – positive and negative consequences of dietary habits. As far as the positive effects of the macrobiotic diet were not scientifically proven, we decided not to follow the eating practice. The Okinawan diet, in turn, was too strict; thus, the results of medical examination showed that limit consumption of fishes and meats could undermine my health. The most appropriate option was the Ayurveda diet. It should be pointed out that the key goal of the eating practice is to reduce stress.

The Ayurveda diet combines a variety of specific exercises, which are to be followed to achieve the desired results. Mr. Smith clarified that the Ayurveda diet is based not only on a person’s food preferences but also on an individual’s psychological peculiarities. I have received certain recommendations on the diet and was obligated to visit the center every week to search out health changes. I liked the way Mr. Smith helped me.

Analysis and recommendations: the experience I went through allowed me to conclude that the basic marketing strategies specialists of a dietary cure center rely on include customer transaction-specific satisfaction and cumulative one (Boulding et al. 1993). Thus, when I came for the first time, Mr. Smith not only evaluated my reactions to the basic principles of the chosen dietary habits but took into account certain physiological and emotional responses to the diets. In other words, he considered both – objective and subjective judgments about my behavioral intentions about the offered services.

As a recommendation, I would like the center to remain focused on customer expectations for quality.

The restaurant

Two weeks ago I have decided to visit a new restaurant opened not far from my home. As far as I have already practiced the Ayurveda diet, I informed the waiter about my food preferences. The waiter asked me to wait for about two minutes and brought me the menu which a list of dishes emphasized lower caloric consumption as compared with a standard menu. As far as Mr. Smith gave me the advice to take some vitamins I have asked the waiter about the possibility of combining the chosen foods along with vitamins.

Some minutes later another young man came to my table and asked me about the additives my dietarian prescribed. When I provided him with an answer, the young man specified what dishes I could order. I was deeply surprised that staff vacancies were formed so thoroughly. I was also positively impressed by other variables, including the interior, the service level, and the communicative skills of the staff.

Analysis and recommendations: there is no doubt that the marketing strategies of the restaurant are properly developed. It seems to be obvious that the trained staff is concerned about customer satisfaction, as the variable affects customer retention (Anderson & Sullivan 1993).

As a recommendation, I would like the staff to be more responsive about the restaurant atmosphere. For instance, appropriate music and lighting could also influence customers’ satisfaction. Furthermore, keeping in mind that customers’ needs are rather dynamic, “practitioners are advised to measure their customer expectation and satisfaction regularly and handle complaints timely and effectively” (Fen & Lian n.d.).

Negative experience

The Sports Club

It should be noted that my current behavior is based on a sober assessment of the importance of physical activity. So, to keep fit, I have decided to join the sports club. When I came to the club for the first time, I informed my instructor about the diet I was on. I have clarified that my long-term health goal was to prevent obesity and cardiovascular diseases appearance. Thus, I wanted to intensify the current regime (I was doing certain aerobic exercises for about a month and had to increase exercise load).

The instructor was unfamiliar with a mindful approach to sports under certain dietary restrictions. He had never heard about the kind of eating practice I was on and could not define what regime I had to follow. The offered exercises, in turn, did not correspond to my expectations, as I wanted the exercises could influence my emotional state and motivation. Moreover, the instructor did not take into account my current level of health and ignored some preparatory exercises to relax my muscles. My idea to trace back psychological and physical outcomes the intensified regime could bring about – failed.

Analysis and recommendations: keeping in mind the experience, I am perfectly sure that the instructor does not recognize the crucial role of service quality and customer satisfaction in the modern business world. Marketing strategies of the sports club are poorly developed, as basic customer satisfaction concepts are ignored. As far as consumer expectations of quality are neglected, I can state that the sports club will not exist for a considerable period.

As a recommendation, I would like the staff of the sports club to be more competent. There is a strong need for the managers to understand that “it is more expensive to win new customers than to keep existing ones” (Ennew & Binks 1996). For this reason, to advance a wide range of new marketing strategies must be applied to the current sports club.


Anderson, E & Sullivan, M 1993, ‘The Antecedents and Consequences of Customer Satisfaction for Firms’, Marketing Science, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 125-143.

Boulding, W, Kalra, A, Staeling, R, & Zeithaml, V 1993, ‘A Dynamic Process Model of Service Quality: From Expectation to Behavioral Intentions’, Journal of Marketing Research, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 7-27.

Cronin, J, Brady, M & Hult, G 2000, ‘Assessing the Effects of Quality, Value, and Customer Satisfaction on Consumer Behavioral Intentions in Service Environments’, Journal of Retailing, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 193-218.

Ennew, C & Binks, M 1996, ‘The Impact of Service Quality and Service Characteristics on Customer Retention: Small Businesses and their Banks in the UK’, British Journal of Management, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 219-230.

Fen, Y & Lian, K n.d., ‘Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Antecedents of Customer’s Re-Patronage Intentions’, KDU College, pp. 59-73. Web.

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StudyCorgi. "Optimizing Customer Experience with Effective Marketing Strategies." March 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/marketing-strategies-customer-experience/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Optimizing Customer Experience with Effective Marketing Strategies." March 23, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/marketing-strategies-customer-experience/.

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