McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend

The trend for healthy eating was born not so long ago, but continues to cover more and more segments of the population around the world. The demand for products of proper and healthy nutrition is constantly growing, and healthy lifestyle products and superfoods are gaining popularity. There is a trend not only for self-purchase and preparation of healthy dishes, but also for healthy food in the restaurant business.

The Problem

The popularity of fast food, including McDonalds, is declining. Customers stop using products altogether or eat in a restaurant much less often. At the same time, the churn rate of McDonalds is growing from month to month. The financial and reputational aspects of outflow cause a large number of problems for the company.

The Causes

McDonald’s fast food has a considerable calorie count due to the large number of carbohydrates it contains. Moreover, in the vast majority of types of fast food, many flavoring additives are used, and the products are saturated with salt. People who take care of their health refuse fast food for these reasons.

Changing The Business Strategy & Brand Position

After McDonalds revealed that the reason for the mass outflow of customers is the trend towards a healthy lifestyle, certain changes were made to the business strategy and brand position. The fast-food restaurant has changed the technology of cooking existing dishes, for example, by reducing the addition of oil during frying. Moreover, new items have been added to the menu, such as oatmeal porridge for breakfast, which can be consumed even by people who follow a diet.

Final Key Takeaways

To avoid a decline in the popularity of fast food, McDonald’s has tried to respond quickly to changes in customer preferences. The timely change of the business strategy and brand position in favor of a healthy diet made it possible to avoid a massive outflow of customers and attract new ones.

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StudyCorgi. (2023, October 1). McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend.

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StudyCorgi. "McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend." October 1, 2023.


StudyCorgi. 2023. "McDonald’s and Its Decline & Crisis Due to the Healthy Food Trend." October 1, 2023.

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