Executive Summary
The idea of interactive media is commonly applied in the marketing sector to arrest human intelligence through store imaging (Lievrouw and Livingstone 2002). Advertising products and services is a significant approach for businesses since it helps them create interest and awareness in what is being offered. According to Hollis (2006, p. 15), media within retail is also important in that, apart from lifting the image of the brand, it also enhances customer shopping experiences on products from retail shops. Business communication is applied based on persuading an audience to take some new action on products (Rust 2000). However, the lack of the best models to manage in-store media in spacious retail shops remains the biggest challenge to this stylish business intervention. This paper examines the context of media in a hypermarket business: How to maximize media revenue and create the greatest brand experience.
This study provides an in-depth analysis of how media revenue can be maximized in a hypermarket business and how the greatest brand experience can be achieved through in-store media management. Media objective in a business environment is extensively studied in this report which features the role of business communication in an expansive business facility. As revealed in the study, both digital and non-digital media are significant ways of engaging in advertisement messages that would contribute to impulse buying of products (Allen 2004, p. 160). The objective of media management in hypermarket business has been analyzed in three main approaches which include: Maximizing available media opportunities and revenue for the store; Optimizing and improving the connectivity of advertisement messages from the sellers to the end-users and creation of engaging business communication in the market.
Survey and interviewing of customers are some of the ways applied in the study, to observe the effectiveness of media models in a hypermarket business. According to the analysis, customer shopping behaviors indicated a positive turn in those zones where media models proved to be well integrated. It was also studied that, media models matching customers’ needs helped in maximizing business revenues. People have become more customized and sophisticated as a result of the changing life trends and this has facilitated the growth of media in a retail business, thus leading to increased brand experiences.
Everything is observed to be changing in our modern world and businesses are utilizing the best practices at their disposal to accelerate tactics that would enable them to maximize revenue potentiality (Alden 1999, p. 80). In this regard, the explosive usage of sophisticated digital and non-digital forms in hypermarkets has succeeded in forming a superior brand experience that provides an opportunity to maximize revenues. This report reveals some of the key benefits which can be realized from using the right media models for business communication. According to the study, the application of improved brand image and enticing zone arrangements generated more consumer attention thus leading to impulse purchase of products (Burt 2000, p. 445). The use of huge innovative media on the walls outside shopping premises and on entrances has also proved effective in enhancing the success of businesses.
A qualitative study conducted on retail shops using only the idea of zone concepts indicated customer behavior on products to be on average. This would facilitate the idea of using interactive media to boost customers’ purchases of products. Today, various media toolsets are applied by hypermarkets in ensuring that the greatest brand experience is created (De Pelsmacker 2002, p. 52). Most of these messages are found in the shopping areas as well as in product zones. These can be strategic zones to set media communication giving relevant messages on products. Appropriate media communication would include digital signage, non-digital signage, and audio. Digital signage located in prime locations, within product zones gives the best picture of products and their location closer to the products would tend to draw customers to the products (Leiss and Kline 1990). One major advantage of in-store digital signage is that the advertisement synchronizes with available products in the stores, making it easy for customers to identify them with ease. A good example of digital signage is in-store TV which displays products in a lively way making them appear enticing to customers.
Non-digital signage such as shelf frames, shelf banners, category tunnels, floor and sky stickers or visions, shelf labels, and pole wraps is also a good form of business communication that plays a key role in ensuring immediacy, flexibility, and connectivity with products’ end-users (Bittner 1997). Apart from ensuring high-quality display inside stores, this system would also see that products are sold and managed through group package. Rather than just generating preference of a brand among the target group of users, these forms of business communication create a direct brand connection with the customers (Bezjian-Avery and Calder 1998, p. 28). Finally, audio business communication media uses things such as in-store radios in passing the relevant messages to customers. According to Yates and Orlikowski (2002 p. 315), in-store radios do provide vendor advertising, entertaining content as well as purchase education content. One key advantage of this program is that it forms a linkage between radio and promotion and sale floor communication. All these systems are not just about advertising but they also do play a significant role in aiding shoppers to come up with informed decisions about products. When integrated as in-store media, these media types can be more effective in their roles, thus bringing out a completely positive customer behavior on products.
Theoretical Framework
The following is a conceptual or theoretical framework for this analysis.

Literature Review
Integrated business communication and advertisement in a hypermarket retail business play a key role in allowing the customers to make the right decision on some unique offerings (Wolf 2003). More importantly, the media also helps in creating desirable awareness about product modifications. Through business communication, customers would find it easy to locate products they normally consume within their favorite shopping premises (Bailey 2007, P. 13). Hypermarket retail shops can maximize their overall outcomes through the integration of in-store media forms into their traditional efforts in marketing. According to Pine and Gilmore (1999), this significant intervention plays a key role in facilitating efficiency as well as forming the basis for the ultimate brand experience. As observed in this study, businesses are certain to establish the greatest brand experience by maximizing their media revenues.
Preliminary results
This study reveals the importance of interactive business media in maximizing revenue and establishing the greatest brand experience in a hypermarket business. These observations also show the significance of business communication in giving the customers value for their money through in-store media. Apart from granting retailers an opportunity to market their products to the fullest, these interventions also help in maximizing media revenue while ensuring for greater consumer experience on products (Korner and Zimmermann 2000). As a result, the three common players here: retailer, advertiser, and customer will have to benefit in the long term. Customers will end up having quality products while the advertiser gains a positive rating for their work which proves effective and desirable.
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