Media Misconceptions in the Modern World

Devastating biased opinions rule the current world, and it is difficult to get rid of prevalent distorted sources of information. They never pass attacking people up and confine their brains. Simultaneously, the challenge is not that the society does not read or listen to the media, but that the media themselves know absolutely nothing (Rosling & Rosling, 2014). It needs to take the initiative and not put off the wrong presentations about the world.

For instance, there is a misconception that learning new languages is difficult, and not everyone has such capabilities. People spend years learning one language without reaching a high level. However, they lack to give it a shot some fun, apt method to know the language perfectly (Machova, 2018). The premise of it is the experience of interacting with people with each other in the places where they grew up (Rosling & Rosling, 2014). Pedagogues often teach outdated worldviews, and consequently, obsolete facts confine personal beliefs. They acquired knowledge when they went to school themselves, and now they pass it on to their students without any harmful intentions. Teachers suggest learning a language through boring, terrible textbooks, and repetitive methods that may not be suitable for everyone, and students often have short-term success (Rosling & Rosling, 2014). However, when people start to enable materials they draw inspiration, and parallel alter the ways to be more productive using them systematically over a long-term time, they miraculously discover a talent for languages.

Simultaneously, the media cynically publishes sensational certificates that will attract more people’s attention and which they will definitely buy. While usually inconsequential in it exaggerated, especially the society fears. In addition, intuition often helps people to draw conclusions quickly (Rosling & Rosling, 2014). It is the reason that people magnify the things they fear, which leads to them looking for connections where none exist and false confidence in anything.

To conclude, distorted sources of information and preconceived opinions are now prevalent in society. It must have the guts to turn intuition into strength and learn to generalize and hit it off. To think about the future, one needs to know profoundly what is happening in the present profoundly. The solution is to systematically and thoroughly contend destructive ignorance and be resourceful. If a worldview is based on certified facts, people will not skip understanding what the future might hold.


Rosling, H., & Rosling, O. (2014). How not to be ignorant about the world [Video]. TED. Web.

Machova, L. (2018). The secrets of learning a new language [Video]. TED. Web.

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