Medicare and Medicaid in the US Healthcare System

The research gave an extensive history of Medicare and Medicaid in the US healthcare system. Additionally, it provided an overview of the healthcare standards in the country. Through the research, it was identified that it is the role of the government to ensure that its citizens access affordable and quality healthcare. The agency in charge of the two healthcare programs is mandated with the role of promoting culturally competent healthcare services and ensuring that the public does not suffer at the hands of medical insurance schemes that are often accused of fraud and incompetence. The two programs were enacted into law in 1965 when President Lyndon B. Johnson came to the realization that a healthy population is important in economic development. Several changes have been made to the two programs to incorporate the interests of the majority. Initially, Medicare catered for the needs of the elderly only, because they were the only group considered vulnerable. In addition, the groups including the physically challenged and those living under special conditions, have been included later on. Medicare has ensured that the social security of the elderly population is enhanced in the country while Medicaid has promoted social and rehabilitative services for the poor (Popow 14). Medicaid plays an important role in facilitating healthcare services for the poor. Without the program, the health of the underprivileged would be in danger. The two programs were merged in 1977 upon the realization that their roles were critical to the health of Americans.

A critical review of the two programs suggests that they are performing well, but more effort has to be put in if the two are to achieve their medium and long-term objectives. However, it is established that the programs have achieved their short-term goals since the majority of Americans can access healthcare. Additionally, the elderly and the most vulnerable people are no longer at risk, though the previous programs discriminated against such groups. For instance, the old and those suffering from serious diseases were supposed to pay more to cater for their health expenses, as they were considered at risk. Insurance companies forced them to dig deeper into their pockets, but the Medicare program resolved the issue because the government caters for the expenses. If an individual feels that he or she needs quality healthcare services, then they would have to get a governmental grant. On the other hand, Medicaid is also serving Americans in a way that is consistent with their expectations, because it pays for the medical bills of the poor. Unfortunately, reforms should be introduced to incorporate foreigners into the program, because they face several medical challenges (Adler 335). The program only works for Americans while foreigners are left at the mercy of the fraudulent insurance companies that charge exorbitant prices, yet they are reluctant to help urgently whenever a risk occurs.

A review of the standards reveals that the agency is trying its best, but much has to be done because the systems applied are ineffective and inefficient. For instance, the use of technology should be embraced because clients often complain about the loss of their data. In the modern society, technology determines the success of the organization because those that embrace it have high chances of succeeding. Finally, the two programs have helped the poor through designing programs that suit their needs because the existing ones are general and they might not convene the needs of the underprivileged. Even though the two programs are doing well, they have to be empowered to strengthen them further.

Works Cited

Adler, Peter. Is it lawful to use Medicaid to pay for circumcision? Journal Law of Medicine, 1.2 (2011): 335-353.

Popow, Donna. Claim Handling Principles and Practices. Malvern, PA: American Institute for Chartered Property Casualty Underwriters/Insurance Institute of America, 2006. Print.

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