Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services

The Necessity for the Use of Wireless Handheld Devices

The key purpose of this memorandum is to propose a wireless handheld device that can be used by the personnel of Juno Online Services. At the moment the company numbers one hundred and twelve employees, many of whom do not work within the office.

The operational performance of Juno Online Services strongly depends on the swiftness of business communication. Our employees need to transmit data, text, or voice messages to one another, while in some cases they do not have access to the Internet. In turn, this leads to increased expenditures on phone communications, delays, and sometimes insecurity of confidential information. The acquisition of wireless handheld devices can effectively solve these problems.

The Description of the Product

The product that appears to be suitable for the needs of our firm is Blackberry Pearl 8100, manufactured by the Canadian company Research in Motion (RIM). It has such features and capabilities as GPS, voice dialing, instant messaging, Wi-Fi, HTML Web browser, and e-mail (Research in Motion, unpaged). This device also includes a QWERTY keyboard. This tool is well adapted for the transmission of both voice and data. In their book Debra Shinder and Michael Cross, experts in Internet security, argue that Blackberry Internet Service provides a higher degree of security because RIM has adopted Advanced Encrypted Standard (p, 375).

This feature can be of great use for Juno Online Service as our employees often have to transmit confidential data. It is possible to purchase Blackberry Pearl 8100 at the wholesale price. In this case, this device will cost $ 140. Blackberry Pearl 8100 is not the most recent model, produced by Research in Motion, yet, it provides the best ratio of price and quality. In part, this purchasing decision can be explained by the quality of post-sales services, offered by Research in Motion.

Potential Benefits

There are several types of benefits that the company can derive from the use of wireless handheld devices. One of them is the increased speed of communication. By procuring Blackberry Pearl 8100, the management will be able to eliminate the possibility of a delay. Secondly, it will be possible to ensure the security of confidential data. Finally, Juno Online Services will manage to reduce expenses on phone communication by at least 10 percent. Therefore, the company will be able to cover the expenses on this purchase within two or three years. However, the key benefit will be the improved operational performance.


The financial and organizational performance of modern enterprise largely depends on its ability to utilize information technologies, ensuring effective communication between management and employees. The proposed strategy can bring both qualitative and quantitative improvements. The acquisition of Blackberry Pearl 8100 is one of the steps that Juno Online Services needs to take to raise its efficiency.

Note to the Instructor

Juno Online Services

  1. Type of the organization: Internet provider.
  2. Size of organization: 112 employees.
  3. The proposed purpose of the wireless handheld devices: these tools will be used for the transmission of emails, text messages, and data. The purchase of these handheld devices is necessary because many of the company’s employees do not work within the office and do not have constant access to the Internet.

Works Cited

Research in Motion. “Blackberry Pearl”. 2010. Web.

Shinder Debra & Cross Michael. Scene of the cybercrime. NY: Syngress, 2008. Print.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, February 19). Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services. https://studycorgi.com/memorandum-on-wireless-handheld-devices/

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StudyCorgi. (2021) 'Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services'. 19 February.

1. StudyCorgi. "Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/memorandum-on-wireless-handheld-devices/.


StudyCorgi. "Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/memorandum-on-wireless-handheld-devices/.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Wireless Handheld Devices for Juno Online Services." February 19, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/memorandum-on-wireless-handheld-devices/.

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