Mental Health Courses in Education Programs


In the article Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness Are Peaking in College Students by Kat McAlpine, the author explores a crucial topic which is the causes and outcomes of college students’ depression and suicidality. Research data was used from the Boston University mental health researcher Sarah Ketchen Lipson (McAlpine 1). The article is divided into several main parts. The first one mentions the problem of anxiety and loneliness of college students and its causes. The second part examines possible solutions to the problem and assesses the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. In the third part, the author describes the features of mental health and why students do not seek help from professionals before their depression reaches its peak (McAlpine 4). A lack of attention and commitment to changing the education system to improve students’ mental health led to increased depression and suicide among young adults.

The Problem of Loneliness and Anxiety of College Students

The author highlights several reasons students feel lonely and unhappy in her article. Significant features include the pandemic, the impact of social media, shifting societal values, and more (McAlpine 4). However, as an essential idea, I want to stress the influence of the financial component on the student crisis. The author brings up another important issue that influences students’ well-being, financial debts connected with their education. This factor affects not only the psychological state but is the cause of the growth of suicidality. As McAlpine states, “suicidality is directly connected to financial well-being” (4). Hence, a particular paradox is characterized by the human aspiration to be better and more competitive. On the other hand, this desire can lead to hopelessness and contribute to eliminating competitiveness in general, that is, suicide. In my view, this problem must be addressed most urgently, as it calls into question the viability of universities and colleges.

Possible Solutions

In her article, Kat McAlpine not only highlights the critical issues that cause depression and anxiety in college students but stresses possible solutions to this problem. The main idea is to create quality and equal communication between students and teachers. This decision is based on an approach in which the teacher respects and seeks to understand the student’s feelings. According to McAlpine, “reinforcing the idea that they care about their students is not just as learners but as people…” (2). This method is effective because it will give the student the understanding that they are perceived as individuals. However, not every teacher can communicate this way with all students. For this reason, it is essential to consider the implementation of mental health education as a part of the curriculum (McAlpine 3). I believe this tool is most effective because it will bring students together on a common problem and provide important information about possible solutions continuously.

Effectiveness of the Text

The effectiveness of the text is high due to its structuring and accessible language. Despite the complex theme, which includes questions of psychology, medicine, education, and other factors, the text is written clearly and transparently. It is important to emphasize that the researcher’s views support the various assumptions and reasoning in the text. They are written as direct quotes, allowing the reader to get information from primary sources (McAlpine 2). However, it is worth emphasizing that the disadvantage of the article one should consider the absence of headings and subtitles. The text would be easier to read if sections were framed together with a subheading. Nevertheless, such advantages as the availability of statistics described in clear language make the article universal and readable.


In conclusion, complex solutions, such as implementing mental health courses in education programs, is vital to prevent further depression in students. Such consequences from bad mental health as depression, anxiety, loneliness, and others, need the attention of teachers. It is vital to understand that many factors affect the deterioration of the student’s condition, such as a pandemic, personal relationships, valuation, and others. Using the methods described in the article of Kat McAlpine, it will be possible to stop the rise in depression and suicide cases among young adults in the US.

Work Cited

McAlpine, Kat. “Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness Are Peaking in College Students.” The Brink, 2021, Web.

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