Miami Beaches: A Vibrant Scene of Neon Lights and Palm Trees


My perception of Miami is not unique. Perhaps it can even be considered reductive in comparison to how vibrant are the parts of the city that I do not describe. However, I would like to say that despite its lack of originality, I hold strong feelings about the scene I will describe and that it is the first image that comes to mind when I think of Miami. This paper will describe this scene in as much detail as I can.

The Scene

For me, Miami will always be about its beaches. From the North Shore to the South Shore of Miami Beach lies one of the most aesthetically pleasing lands in the United States. Indeed, other states may have great beaches, but none of them have a beautiful and simple architecture that stretches all along the beach, making even the area around the beach into a work of pop art. Due to the way Miami is laid out, no matter where you are entering the beach, a person is likely to have the same experience (Garde et al. 46). In the South Beach area, small white buildings of hotels and restaurants illuminate the road at night with illustrious neon colors. Blue, yellow and pink lights reflect off the white surfaces of buildings. They give a sensation of traveling back in time to the late 1970s or early 1980s (Skinner 2). If it were not for modern cars and smartphones of tourists, it would be easy to forget that it is 2017.

The next layer of the scene is perhaps the most iconic for the city of Miami. Beautiful green palm trees and brush that separate the sandy dunes of the beach from the street can be seen in the majority of imagery associated with the city. This green line not only provides clean air for the city but also serves as a living barricade from cars and street goers.

The beach itself is where I often imagine being when I need to relax. The area dedicated to the beach is massive and allows for a great number of people to be present without it feeling cramped. However, my scene is always set in the evening, when most tourists have gone back to their hotels. I look forward and see a beautiful, moving painting. The orange, pink and red colors of the evening sky accentuate the mountains of clouds in the distance. The sun has not yet fallen into the sea, but its trail of light is clearly seen on the water which occupies the area below the horizon. Like a great carpet, it stretches almost infinitely from the left to the right of the image. On a calm summer evening, a person can stay on the beach for hours without even feeling cold, listening to the waves crashing on the shore. The breeze brings the smell of the sea which makes me feel free to go anywhere but calm enough not to want to leave. In best conditions, there is no better place for me to be in the summer.


The scene I described is often seen as an establishing shot in films set in Miami or tourism commercials. It is a scene and place that is known worldwide, and it attracts millions to visit the city every year. Despite its popularity, however, I still find it to be the part of the city that makes it stand out from all other cities in the country.

Works Cited

Garde, Ajay et al. “Differences Between Miami’s Form-Based Code and Traditional Zoning Code in Integrating Planning Principles.” Journal of the American Planning Association, vol. 81, no. 1, 2015, pp. 46-66.

Skinner, Cliff. “Unique Urban Regeneration Project South Beach, Miami, USA.” Planning News, vol. 41, no. 1, 2015, pp. 1-21.

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StudyCorgi. "Miami Beaches: A Vibrant Scene of Neon Lights and Palm Trees." February 26, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Miami Beaches: A Vibrant Scene of Neon Lights and Palm Trees." February 26, 2021.

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