Motivational Interviewing and Its Purpose

Motivational interviewing is a method for managing people by assisting them in overcoming obstacles to adopting healthier behaviors. The intention is for the client to feel more at ease and confident in their ability to make the necessary behavioral changes. It involves addressing their concerns and removing any unnecessary anxiety they may be experiencing. During treatment, the patient should feel uncertain about making a behavioral change (Surmon-Böhr et al., 2020). Motivational interviewing does not function well if the person is already assured they have a problem or are driven to make changes.

The first step is for the individual to recognize that there is a part of themselves that could use some work. Understanding the patient’s reactions helps avoid arguments and other forms of conflict. After ensuring the client is composed, initiate quality interactions through simple, engaging, compassionate, and focused interactions. One way to show compassion is to actively listen to the person receiving the help (Surmon-Böhr et al., 2020). The idea is to make them feel cared for and important. Asking open-ended questions allows the interviewee to provide crucial information. The strategy also enables the individual to respond based on their perception and understanding. Thus, interactive conversations that lead to building rapport develop. A point to note, there is no deviation from the definition of motivational interviewing, which is to encourage and equip patients to make positive behavioral changes.


Surmon-Böhr, F., Alison, L., Christiansen, P., & Alison, E. (2020). The right to silence and the permission to talk: Motivational interviewing and high-value detainees. American Psychologist, 75(7), pp. 1-11. Web.

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