Motivational Interviewing & Web Tools for Obesity Improvement

The main aim of the given research is to determine the effect the methods like motivational interviews and specific web tools will have on people suffering from different degrees of obesity and how these could be used to improve their quality of health. To attain the increased credibility of the research, it is crucial to use only relevant data. For this reason, individuals who do not suffer from other health problems are selected for the investigation. The clinical question that determines the structure of the paper sounds as follows:

If the implementation of the motivational interview does produce improved outcomes among patients suffering from obesity?

The suggested method will be implemented in terms of the given investigation among patients suffering from obesity. Patients will be provided with crucial data about the impact this very approach might have on their state of health and how the interview will be conducted. Only after these instructions are explained, the intervention could be implemented.

Therefore, motivational interviews as the proposed intervention could be considered an innovative approach that combines a quasi-experimental examination of people suffering from obesity along with the attempts to improve their motivation (O’Halloran et al., 2014). Additionally, to collect credible data related to the efficiency of the suggested intervention, it is crucial to divide all participants into two groups (the intervention and the control one) to compare the outcomes and determine the more appropriate method that could be used to attain improved results.

The participants from the first group will be supposed to participate in weekly motivational interviews whereas the participants from the controlled group will have to use the special web tool that allows them to keep track of changes related to the problem. The results collected at the end of the experiment will be compared to answer the clinical question and determine the efficiency of the motivational interview along with the perspectives for its further usage.

Apart from that, it is necessary to understand that weight loss may occur not only due to special measures taken by the patients; in fact, people may lose weight because of infectious diseases, body dehydration, loss of appetite, and stress-related to different spheres of life. Taking that into consideration, it is obvious that patients from both groups should be interviewed before each measurement session. The interviews should include questions related to current mental conditions, the state of health, and weight loss methods used by the participants throughout the week. It is extremely important to take these factors into account as it will allow the researchers to differentiate between body mass changes caused by intentional practices and unwanted factors.

The given outcomes will be measured and analyzed regularly as it is necessary to observe the dynamics of changes associated with the use of two different methods supposed to encourage weight loss. Measurement sessions will be conducted before the beginning of the research, four times during the first month of the intervention and then one time every three months of the intervention. After the end of the year, final measurements will be compared with the ones taken before the entire intervention. BMI could be considered a dependent variable as it should be altered in the course of the experiment. At the same time, the overall state of the patients health is an independent variable as it should remain at the same level. These could be measured using scales and data about health obtained before the interview.

The data collection tools that will be used during the study include interviews and precise measurements performed by specialists with the help of scales and specific blanks. These data collection tools have been chosen as they help to collect the objective data related to changes in weight of the participants. Apart from that, the data on mental and physical health collected before weighing can help to define whether it is appropriate to associate weight loss in participants with the usage of motivational interviews or not.

To conduct the analysis, it will be necessary to calculate the mean results for intervention and controlled groups which will be used during t-tests with two independent samples (Pituch, Whittaker, & Stevens, 2015). More than that, the data collected since the beginning of the discussed intervention will be used to conduct a multivariable regression analysis to determine the efficiency of the chosen method and the effect it will have on the patients. (Fox, 2016).

It is also crucial to consider different demographic and physiological peculiarities of people like gender, age, ethnicity, and social status. These aspects might impact the alterations of the BMI greatly, and that is why it is extremely important to compare results based not on the weight changes but the changes in BMI of participants of the proposed research. The statistical data retrieved with the help of the discussed tools will be used to answer the clinical question.

The issue of confidentiality remains important in connection with the proposed research. Due to ethical risks associated with the availability of demographic data, it is inappropriate to report data identifying the participants of the research. To protect the personal details of the participants, the researchers will use codes instead of names to distinguish between the data related to different patients.

The information concerning the participants that can be outlined in the report includes their demographics peculiarities as well as the alterations in their BMIs during the measurement sessions. As for the expected outcomes, it can be supposed that two methods of weight reduction will demonstrate different degrees of effectiveness. The fact is that the usage of web tools remains an efficient way to assess the current state of a problem and create a certain solution to it. However, it could still demonstrate poorer outcomes because of the lack of inspiration and current monitoring of the most problematic issues. For this reason, the motivational interview is suggested as a possible intervention.


Fox, J. (2016). Applied regression analysis and generalized linear models. New York, NY: Sage Publications.

O’Halloran, P., Blackstock, F., Shields, N., Holland, A., Iles, R., Kingsley, M.,…Taylor, N. (2014). Motivational interviewing to increase physical activity in people with chronic health conditions: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Rehabilitation, 28(12), 1159-1171.

Pituch, K. A., Whittaker, T. A., & Stevens, J. P. (2015). Intermediate statistics: A modern approach. New York, NY: Routledge.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, July 8). Motivational Interviewing & Web Tools for Obesity Improvement.

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StudyCorgi. "Motivational Interviewing & Web Tools for Obesity Improvement." July 8, 2021.


StudyCorgi. 2021. "Motivational Interviewing & Web Tools for Obesity Improvement." July 8, 2021.

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