Negative Performance Management

Example Suggestions for improvement
The manager of an IT company gives a negative performance review to one of the employees. He focuses on the person while giving feedback on his poor execution of the given task. The manager is confrontational and uses character-related and judgmental vocabulary such as “you are not good enough,” “your programming is bad,” “you are not working with your team.” Poor performance management of this sort results in demotivation and frustration of the employee. Overall morale and job satisfaction drop, leading to further problems with the team’s performance, and ultimately, the employee quits the company. The performance review should focus on the task performed, being specific and factual. Errors have to be pinpointed by the manager and, if possible, addressed with the employee for future reference. Building a personal connection with employees is the key to achieving a productive work environment. While giving the review, it is necessary to evaluate the work done and ask questions regarding improvement of the workplace and workflow and betterment of results in the future.

Managers should possess strong planning and problem-solving skills to establish clear goals and strategies to achieve these goals on time without losing quality. Additionally, making proper decisions can ensure that resources are not wasted and customers are satisfied with the company’s performance. Great communication skills are crucial to convey information to employees with clarity and transparency and to motivate teams to work efficiently. Lastly, effective performance management depends on the skillful delegation of tasks to employees, which includes choosing the right people for specific jobs, reassigning and changing tasks to assure flexibility. In conclusion, all described skills make managers credible, assuring that their performance management is consistent and effective.

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StudyCorgi. 2023. "Negative Performance Management." March 8, 2023.

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