Nike as the Best and Largest Sportswear Brand in the World

Nike is the world’s number one designer and marketer of sportswear and the distributor of athletic footwear, equipment, and accessories for different sports and other fitness activities according to marketing research conducted on Nike1 (Khan et al,. 2020). Nike’s sports products are focused on many categories such as men and women sports training, running, basketball, football, tennis, golf, and even action sports. It sells and distributes its products in more than two hundred countries. The critical operating segment is North America, China, Japan, western, central, eastern Europe, emerging markets, and others.2.

The brand image of Nike is well known for its inspirational and exciting persona, affordable price for the high-quality products, and the association it has with the world’s well-known athletes like Kipchoge Keino. The MRI tool has been used in identifying consumer product purchases based on gender, education, occupation, and many other demographic factors.The brand’s trademark includes the brand name, that is, NIKE, the slogan, just do it, the swoosh design, and its website. The design was created in 1971 by a graphic design student, Carolyn Davidson. Unlike other competitors, Nike has exclusive licenses such as the patent air technology used to sell footwear.

The website is used for advertising brand new products using athletes, which makes the consumer buy the products. Its partnership with U.S. soccer shows the best sports brand design and makes kits for U.S. teams making the partnership be for sporting and doing sports better at all levels in productivity3. It has retailed its product through online stores, retail outlets, and it has over two thousand retail accounts in the U.S. where it sells its products, to list a few, Sports Authority, Dicks Sporting Good, and Foot Locker.

The brand’s target audience is the youthful athletes aged eighteen to thirty-five who lovesports and enjoy fitness as a lifestyle and practice it on daily basis4. For a long time, Nike has produced high-performance sporting goods and product innovation skills, expanding the target audience who take it as a symbol of status and an image for them. The relationship between psychology and consumer behavior has been explained well by the VALs survey uncovering the reasons for large consumer purchases.

  • NAME: Nick
  • GENDER: Male
  • AGE: 31
  • JOB TITLE: Technology entrepreneur and an athlete

Nick is an example of Nike’s persona; he is 31 years old middle-class college learner with having a strong interest in sports, fashion, and entrepreneurship. He lives in California and attends San Diego State University. His favorite activities include sports and shopping, and being a competitive person, he likes to look the best among his colleagues, be the smartest in class and in work place, and in everything he does. He likes the athlete’s clothes and musician wear having his best stores being nick outlet and footlocker where his interest is in working out to stay fit, studying for class, and working in his job. In his Twitter account, Nick tweets daily about his Nike best outfits brands and product attracting more customers by using that as a marketing strategy. He enjoys wearing it because he feels connected with celebrities who wear the same outfit to perform at the highest level of competition.5.

His main goal is helping athletes increase their potential through sports by inspiring and bringing innovation to them as he focus on delivering quality products which can be dependable hence fulfilling the needs of the customers which are the athletes.6

Nick has three fears that relate to the brand: Firstly, being uncertain with no plan and idea of what to what to expect in the changing entrepreneurial market in terms of meeting customers’ needs. Secondly, not having safety net where he is not sure where to expect his paycheck and how he will be able to stock his business as well as providing for himself and his family. Fear of failure is the last one where shame and humiliation of not being successful in his business cause fear of what people will think and say about him.

The two main challenges faced by the persona having his products going out of style and lacking buyers, challenge in time management in running his business being a learner at the same time, and inadequate finance that limits him to buying and selling some of the products in demand by the customers.

Being a Nike persona, his tone can be best described as exciting, provocative, innovative, and aggressive for the competitive market, attracting customers from different places.

Work cited

Kim, Minhong. “How Phil Knight made Nike a leader in the sport industry: examining the success factors.” Sport in Society 23.9 (2020): 1512-1523.

Nica, Ionuț, Nora Chiriță, and ȘtefanIonescu. “Using of KPIs and Dashboard in the analysis of Nike Company’s performance management.” Theoretical & Applied Economics 28.1 (2021).

Rasmussen, Kirsten. “Brand Activism and Gender: Nike as a Case Study.” (2021).

Khan, Sabithulla. Nike and Adidas: A Rivalry Made in Heaven?. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2020.

Challa, Akhila, and Nilesh Anute. “The Effectiveness of Instagram Content Marketing on Brand Building of a Company.”

Taino, Rafael, Rafael Rodrigues Cardoso, and Alexandre Luzzi Las Casas. “DOES VIRAL MARKETING CREATE BRAND AWARENESS? AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS.” Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS 12.03 (2021): 109-117.


  1. Khan, Sabithulla. Nike and Adidas: A Rivalry Made in Heaven?. SAGE Publications: SAGE Business Cases Originals, 2020.
  2. Kim, Minhong. “How Phil Knight made Nike a leader in the sport industry: examining the success factors.” Sport in Society 23.9 (2020): 1512-1523
  3.  Challa, Akhila, and Nilesh Anute. “The Effectiveness of Instagram Content Marketing on Brand Building of a Company.”
  4. Taino, Rafael, Rafael Rodrigues Cardoso, and Alexandre Luzzi Las Casas. “DOES VIRAL MARKETING CREATE BRAND AWARENESS? AN EXPLORATORY STUDY WITH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS.” Journal on Innovation and Sustainability RISUS 12.03 (2021): 109-117.
  5. Rasmussen, Kirsten. “Brand Activism and Gender: Nike as a Case Study.” (2021).
  6. Nica, Ionuț, Nora Chiriță, and ȘtefanIonescu. “Using of KPIs and Dashboard in the analysis of Nike Company’s performance management.”

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StudyCorgi. "Nike as the Best and Largest Sportswear Brand in the World." November 12, 2022.


StudyCorgi. 2022. "Nike as the Best and Largest Sportswear Brand in the World." November 12, 2022.

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