The Internet has become an integral part of modern culture, in the depths of which emerged social networks, whose emergence was unprogrammed and spontaneous. Over time, from rather primitive communication forums, social networks have turned into an open space where users can express their thoughts without any modesty. In particular, this concept applies to consumer evaluation of the quality of goods and services, since accounts of famous brands and companies have long existed on media platforms. This research work is aimed at evaluating user perception of Nike products through social networks, in particular, Instagram, Amazon and YouTube.
Social networks would not have been in such demand if they had not realized the need of the modern person to express themselves. This is particularly relevant for consumers, as it often happens that the most prompt and practical assistance in the quality of the purchased product is provided by marketing specialists responsible for brand promotion in social media. Nike is no exception, and an in-depth analysis of its social networks allows marketers to identify the main trends among customers. For example, if the emphasis is on the Instagram profile of the company, and look at recent publications, it becomes evident that the most valuable comments are left by users dissatisfied with the quality (Figure 1). In other words, among other comments, those that are negative about the level of service or trends in production are particularly notable. Nevertheless, with the proper approach, such opinions allow marketers to work out a strategy of growth.

The analysis of consumer feedback in the Amazon online store does not allow to assess the overall perception of quality and style but is of the highest value in terms of determining the response to a particular product. Due to comments under a specific product, marketers can conclude how popular the product is among users (Figure 2). Furthermore, it is interesting to note that thanks to the meta-analysis of consumer feedback, as shown in Figure 3, the company can get an idea of the main goals of buying a product and use it to promote the product further.

A diametrically different trend among consumers and fans of the brand can be observed when watching the official YouTube channel of the company. Most of the comments on the video hosting come down to an expression of gratitude for the provided content or motivation, which the authors passed on to viewers (Figure 4). Undoubtedly, such a phenomenon can be observed because of the different orientations of posted publications on YouTube (Figure 5). Instead of presenting its product or news, Nike provides its viewers with lessons on task performance or children’s, entertainment content that will hardly correlate with the negative perception of the company.

Summarizing all the above, it should be especially emphasized that social networks have become a platform for modern users, where everyone can express their own opinion or story about the experience of interaction with the brand. This phenomenon has two effects at once: on the one hand, if marketers correctly analyze the suggestions and feedback from consumers, they will be able to design a route map for the further development of the company to satisfy the interests of as many customers as possible. On the other hand, such user-generated discussions allow viewers and subscribers to model their attitudes towards the company through the opinions of other participants. In summary, each side benefits from finding a brand in the media space: clients know where to express their views and get a quick answer to their question, and companies use consumer comments as a starting point for further development.
Works Cited
“At Home Workout: Traci Copeland | NTC Community Workout: Week 7 | Nike.” YouTube, 2020.
“Men’s Nike Sportswear Club Pullover Hoodie”. Amazon, n.d.
“Nike” – Instagram, n.d.
“Nike” – YouTube, n.d.